cFam gals at the moomincabin
All three of us can legitimately call ourselves cFam gals. Only one can claim actual heritage. So here are me and my sister-in-law, The Beautiful Gay (in the “Nope” shirt – you go girl!). We are married to the Twinz of Terror and so qualify as cFam outlaws. The young woman is my daughter, child of the GG and therefore a biological cFam member. We are at the FinFam moomincabin and we are having sooo much fun and I love this crazy reflective type pic.
That was last night. Today the Twinz of Terror took off on a hike and the rest of us all kind of slugged around for a while. We met up for lunch at Pickles and then my BFF and JCB met up with us for the late afternoon and dinner. They drove over to the Sault Ste. Siberian Meijer from the Green Cabin. We cooked a HUGE piece of salmon that has been in my freezer on The Planet Ann Arbor for a couple months. There was quite some discussion about how to cook this (even though the GG and I successfully cook salmon ALL THE TIME!). We grilled it tonight (after cutting in two so it would be easier to flip – quite some discussion about that toooooooo) and we determined that it turned out fine, in the middle between Ruby Tuesday and a certain horsepittle board meeting.
I had a LOT of help today for such a simple dinner. The Twinz did the salmon. I cooked rice. Lizard Breath worked her asparagus magic. And TBG Salad Master reformatted salad for about the third night in a row. We also reheated some leftover chicken and steak for a couple people who aren’t crazy about fish. TBG and Lizard Breath did the disheosios and I greatly appreciated that because it gave me some time with BFF and JCB before they left. And I think we have enough leftover food that we’ll be able to reheat it for dinner tomorrow night.
I’m not sure I have much else to say. I’m mostly posting this for posterity and so that people know we are all well. It’s kinda late for me so I hope I can suppress Second Wind Syndrome. My mission tomorrow is to buy some postcards and maybe make a mini-run to Meijer. Love y’all. KW
May 27th, 2019 at 10:58 am
What a wonderful gathering and meal! It does sound like a lovely time with people hanging out together and doing fun things. I miss the big family gatherings we used to have. Now it’s mainly just immediate family.