cuzzints of all degrees
Lizard Breath posted a lovely instagram from last weekend of all members of the FinFam g4 generation who belong to the Old Cabin and the moomincabin plus our new in-law, The Beautiful Becca. That inspired me to dredge through my old photo albums looking for these photos. My photos are deficient because they do not include our family bridegroom and his sister and certainly not TBB because we didn’t know of her existence back in those days. I thought it might be worth posting them anyway.
In these pics, we have two sets of sisters, my daughters and my brother’s daughters. That makes them first cousins. The two boys are brothers and they are my cousin’s boys, meaning they are second cousins to the girls. The bridegroom and his sister are first cousins to the boys in the pic and second cousins to the girls. (My two are the one on the left and the one wearing the Water Spider costume. I’ll let you figure out which one that is )
When I talk to Planet Ann Arbor friends (MMCB2 and FZ at work), I struggle to make the stories from the weekend make sense. Cousins and cousins’ kids and elderly parents and who lives where and who flew where and how I ended up driving my cousin’s vee-hickle (with the fob and the start button) down the I75 SUV Speedway on Sunday and WAIT! was it her kid who got married? No, it was her sister’s kid. But they do “get it” because they are also rational people who belong to large, complicated families with wee bits of drama around the edges.
The cuzzints are posing in front of the Old Cabin faaaarplace. One o’ these days, I’ll post a pic of that faaarplace and hearth without a bunch of people in front of it and try to muster up some stories of my early childhood spending summers in the Old Cabin with my [first] cuzzints and their families and with any luck I might dredge a few words outta my soupy brain about why we are still close to each other after all these years.
July 11th, 2018 at 8:17 pm
What a treasure to have good relationships and memories with cousins! The cousins I like are a bit distant from me, and the ones I grew up with turned crazy. Such a shame.