Between birthdays
I don’t *think* anyone in any of my extended families was born on April 25th. This date is smack in between a mouse birthday and a twinz of terror birthday and there are a whole bunch of birthdays in all of our families in late April.
Back in the days when I rolled my own blahg and the intertubes were still pretty new, I used to actually try to remember (and post) everybody’s birthday, family and friends. Eventually I came to a couple of conclusions. One being that I couldn’t keep up with that stuff. The other was that there are plenty of people who probably don’t want their birthdays called out on my blahg. So I pretty much stopped except for [sometimes] the GG and beach urchins.
And then, I was taken aback the first year I was “on” facebook when I received umpteen gazillion birthday wishes from people I went to high school with but hadn’t seen since. I didn’t need all of that. But I knew why it had happened. I had to enter my birthdate to sign up but I didn’t know then that I could *hide* that piece of information. After that first year, I hid my birthday. Jeebus.
The pic is from our Sunday Drive. I think this is A. L. (or maybe it’s Al) Schneider. We waved at each other as we s-l-o-w-l-y passed him on Jerusalem Road in front of his farm 🧡
April 25th, 2018 at 8:01 pm
I should hide my birthday because the wishes from near strangers don’t mean much to me. (but my ego likes it sometimes!)