Re-learning how to get the a/c going in the Ninja
It was around 2:00 this afternoon when I received a text message that the GG and npJane would be meeting at HOMES brewery at 4:00 PM. For a split-second I thought something like, “Oh, that’s nice, my husband and my cousin are gonna go have a beer together.” And then I thought something like, “Wait a minute! This is probably something I-e-I-e-I can dooooo toooo!” So I sneaked over to Amazon Woman’s office and laid out the scenario. Do you care if I bag work early today? No. Git outta here, it’s a beautiful day! (I knew it would be okay 🐸)
HOMES was empty when we got there and it was actually WARM today so we sat outside. By the time we left, the place was totally overflowing with people. So much fun to get together with npJane and talk about life and all of the old stories, some of which npJane wasn’t around for because she wasn’t born yet or was too young to understand exactly what the heck was going on. Like when my family got our dog Tigger because I was terrified of dogs. I’ll tell the whole story about getting Tigger some other day (npJane wasn’t born yet) but I forgot to tell npJane that her moom Bubs was who named my childhood dog Tigger.
I opted out of a road trip to Florida this year as much as I love road-tripping down there. I love driving down through the mountains in Kentucky and Tennessee and hanging out at BFF’s loverly house in Atlanta. Facebook memories served up this pic from last year. We were staying at a beautifully refurbished retro motel on a Gulf of Mexico beach on Long Boat Key. We drove up to a “farmers market” at Coquina Beach, where we obtained this loverly artifact. Somehow we managed to remember to schlep it home to the Landfill and it now resides on a wall in our front room.