I like to drive lawnmowers with tornadoes approaching and keep an eye on them
Y’all have seen the viral story, roight? The guy is mowing his lawn. His 9-year-old daughter rouses her moom from a nap (I do not take naps so I do not understand this) to alert moom that Dad is outside mowing the lawn and there is something that looks like a tornado in the sky. And dad won’t come inside. Yeah.
The rest of this I do understand. A version of this happened at the Landfill many moons ago. Except that we don’t usually *see* tornadoes outside the Landfill windows. There are so many trees and houses, etc., that what we see is an ugly dark-green sky. Who the heck knows where the tornado is or even if there *is* one. Maybe it’s just a “mere” derecho.
Anyway, the viral lawn mowing dad made his way around the internet and all I could think about (and some other people thought about this too) was a time back in the Jurassic Age when the tornado siren was blowing and:
Hans (I miss Hans) and the GG were carefully photographing two BIG moths breeding in a crack between sidewalk panes (“panes”? Is that a correct term or am I crazy. The great Google says I am crazy).
Some hired foresters across the street were chipping up big pieces of wood. That was louder than the tornado siren and it was louder than…
The beach urchins, who SCREAMED as they threw every single blasted stuffed aminal down the stairs into the basement. Some of them are still down there…
You can sorta “sing” the title to the tune of “I love to go swimming with bow-legged women and dive between their legs.” I cannot tell you how long it took me to find a version of this song that sounded like the song my dad sang when I was a little kid. This guy (who is wonderful!) has the tune right but, in my dad’s version of the song, he would *dive* between the bow-legged woman’s legs.
Anyway, no tornadoes or derechos here tonight and my planned vacay and telecommuting for the summer has been officially approved. Love y’all, KW!
June 5th, 2017 at 9:03 pm
Patt and his friend used to sing that song!
I did see the picture and it was incredible.