Fumbling into Daylight Savings Time
I fumbled it big-time this year. First, a disclaimer. I actually like the time change. I know that others do not (including some who read my vanity blahg of blather). I respect your opinions and love you anyway. And anyway, time-switching is arguably trivial in the grand scheme of things. What I like about DST is that here in the Great Lake State, which is [mostly] on the western edge of the Eastern time zone, we get the “midnight” sun up at the moominbeach. I love looking out at the horizon at 11 PM near the summer solstice and still see light from the sun. I don’t really mind the dark mornings and late afternoons surrounding the winter solstice down here on The Planet Ann Arbor although it is easier to deal with them if Mr. Golden Sun comes out *sometimes* during those dark days.
I usually manage to make the time transition (spring forward and lose an hour of sleep) without a problem but this year I flubbed it. Lizard Breath came over yesterday (no, my problems were not her fault!) to have dinner with us and see Mouse’s play. Her original plan had been to head back to Detroit after the play but then she thought it would be fun to take Mouse out for a beer after the play and so she decided to come back here to sleep and leave in the morning after breakfast with her baggy old mother, aka meeeeee. There was even frivolous talk last night about having brunch at one of the many places around here that serve samosas mimosas!
As it turned out, I did not get up all that early today. The GG was scheduled to drive over to the Battle Creek area to meet up with for a joint group hike with the Chief Noonday NCT Chapter and Fortune Bay Expeditions. He needed to leave at about 6:30 AM. I decided to stay in bed until he was launched. This is unusual, I am almost *always* the first to hit the shower, by tacit mutual agreement. But then. I fell back asleep for a bit longer. I guess I must’ve needed it? I got back from my walk at something like 8:30. That is late, even for a Sunday!
It was okay. Lizard was still asleep and I did some kitchen chores and then settled in on the Green Couch with yogurt and orange juice to check up on internet stuff. When she woke up we mobilized and both of us nixed the mimosa brunch idea in favor of a Greek Scramble and regular old coffee over at the Village Kitchen. It was cold this morning and we decided not to walk there, even though it shares the Plum Market’s parking lot and we walk over there all the time. *My* excuse was that Liz did not have warm enough clothing for walking in 18 degree temps. I didn’t even offer any of my frumpy old KW clothing to her, although she is wearing a beauteous old hat of mine in the pic. (I have permission to post the pic and I looked in vain for a pic of meeeee wearing that hat back in the day. I think there is one. I think I bought the hat at the ski shop at Boyne Highlands. Using [with permission] my mom’s Mastercard.)
Back to DST, yet another bill is somewhere in the Great Lake State legislature to end shifts from standard to daylight time. I love the time shifts so I am against this. But what I am *really* against is that apparently* the proposal is to switch to year-round DAYLIGHT savings time. Do these legislators not remember that we did that once before? I was a junior in high school. During the winter solstice the sun did not rise in the eastern Yooperland until after 9:00 AM. So what if the sun didn’t go down until 6-something at the end of the day. Mornings? Dark and dreadful. Walking across the tundra to the new Sault high school in my cute little [not warm] fake leopard coat with *nylons*, flimsy little boots and whatever hat wouldn’t “ruin” my hair.
*Fake news alert: KW has not researched this bill thoroughly at all so she is not sure exactly what is in it. Google it if you are interested.
March 12th, 2017 at 7:38 pm
18 degrees?? Is that normal in mid-March? Holy guacamole! 🙂 I am one who hates the one hour time change in the fall and spring; I have way too many clocks and it really doesn’t seem to make much of a difference in the long run. However, I live far north, so when we switch in the fall, it starts getting dark not long after 4 and I HATE THAT.
March 13th, 2017 at 7:28 am
I was at Grizzly at noon! would have been fun to run into you guys…. and shockingly I didn’t have a bloody mary or anything.