Not enamored of today’s weather
It’s February and this is Michigan and I’m not sure why I am so p*ssed off at Mother Nature and Old Man Winter today. It wasn’t really all that cold today. It started out somewhere above freezing but last I looked, we were down to 25. Old Man Winter spat little snowballs at us all day but not enough to stick anywhere, so no icy roads or sidewalks or whatever. At least not here. Ask someone in the yooperland or the northern lower and you will probably get a different answer. But it was a penetrating cold and there was a dad-blasted wind and when we walked downtown for lunch today, I felt like I was being blown away crossing a couple of streets where the Planet Ann Arbor has (against all good advice) allowed big 14-story buildings to be built. Wind tunnel anyone? Jeebus!
As much as we love Saturday lunch at the Griz, we mixed it up today and went to the Blue Tractor instead. I have been to the Blue Tractor a few times now and today is the first time I noticed the actual Blue Tractor. I think the GG and his sibs had that tractor when they were kids but it was red and there was something about spark plugs that I didn’t understand.
Anyway, I was not enamored of the weather and I am also trying to figure out how to ride the bus, so we took the bus home. Er, actually we took the bus to the Plum Market and did a wee bit of grokkery shopping, then walked home from there.
I did walk down to the farmers market this morning. I was ecstatic that the Goetz Farm was there with their “spicy mix” lettuce. I bought two bags of that and some teensy radishes and scallions. This vendor has a farm south of here in Riga, a beautiful little burg that we visited a few weeks ago on a Sunday road trip down into Ohio.
Fake log in the faaarplace tonight is making me feel a little bit warmer.
February 26th, 2017 at 12:59 pm
I don’t like the wind at all, especially when it’s cold out. It’s trying to snow here again, but just white rain. I can handle that. 🙂