Green with a bit of purple about the edges

The day started innocently enough with this loverly purple fleur on my morning walk.


And the Purple House on Duncan.


And this purple fleur in my front yard and one of these days I am gonna bore y’all with a whole series of pics of this thing.


I went inside after taking this pic and there was oddness in the form of an empty glass of cranberry juice by the kitchen sink. (Cranberry juice is not purple, it is dark red or, uh, Cranberry. Grape juice is purple. Just ask The Commander [wink].) Lo and behold, The Pensioner was up and outta there and it wasn’t even 7:00 yet. He was walking downtown as it turned out but later I received this photoooo by text message.


We’re gonna veer away from the green/purple theme for the next two pics. Mid-afternoon, TP texted me something about did I want to walk downtown to eat tonight. Well, no I didn’t, not really, I had plans to walk to the grokkery store and cook leftovers and yada yada. We did anyway. We ate at a new place (to us) with organic pizza and cocktails. It was good but just a weeeeee bit slow and portlandia for me. I like slow but not tooooo slow or floaty. Also it was almost empty. I like a wee bit more activity. We may well be back but it probably won’t be a “go-to”.


Fortunately I got a pic of the hydroponic wall before they turned out the lights.


Things took a turn for the weird when I went to pull out my debit card to pay the bill and… Hmmm… It didn’t take too long to remember that the last time I used it was when we stopped for a beer at Arbor Brewing Sunday afternoon, so we stopped there to retrieve it on the way home. Yes they did have it. I wasn’t really all that worried because I knew it hadn’t been used for anything but I was annoyed at myself because it takes something like 10 days to get a new one. Anyway, we trudged up the hill into the sun and here are some doggy bags for your convenience. We’re way past purple now (but still lots of green).


Last and saddest… As we cut over to Dexter and headed toward the Plum Market, I looked to the left on a cross street and WHAT THE HECK?


Two cement trucks were pouring cement and at least three waited in the wings across Dexter. As we goggled at the mess (Gogol was goggle-eyed!) neighbors came out to commiserate. An old farmhouse (probably the original) had been demolished along with I can’t remember how many trees (17?) and they were building a duplex, $500K each unit. This in a neighborhood where the homes are typically humble bungalows and small ranches (like mine) worth $200-$300K in the [inflated] Planet Ann Arbor housing market. Over a dioxane plume but that’s a whole ‘nother story, at least for tonight.

Anyway, got a few grokkeries and came home to a second shower after 28K steps today. Hot today. Doors are open, whole-house fan is on and I’m feeling staged for the next few busy days.

G’night and love y’all, especially you green and purple folks! 💚💜

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