Little perks (and a kinda big one
I got the Fitbit London Underground badge again today. 250 “lifetime” miles. Again? Yes, again. Why again? Because when I first bought my Fitbit, I resisted setting up an account with a login. That worked for quite a while and then there was an update or something and I couldn’t access my data and I couldn’t log in because I didn’t have login credentials and I ended up having to set up a new blasted Fitbit. I made an account (with a login) this time. As of this afternoon, I have achieved all of the badges I had with my original setup.
So, that was a little perk. What were my other little perks? I can’t think what they are at the moment. I mean, it was sunny all day again and I needed that and telecommuting has its perks, especially when *everyone* is telecommuting along with me. It also has its challenges, make no mistake. I think I’ll move along to the BIG PERK!
It is dark when I start my work day at home and it takes a while for my work laptop to recognize the wifi here and I have to use my iPhone flashlight to read the VPN key code to get properly connected. I twiddle my thumbs read email and twitter and facebook and do the mini-NYT-xword for the duration. Sooooo, finally I got Outlook going and connected to the mothership.
The most important looking email was from FZ and I started to read that but then I thought something like, “Was there an robo-mail from HR? And did it have “vacation” in the subject?” I figured it was probably some kind of bad news but I abandoned FZ’s email and opened the robo-mail from HR. And darn near fell off the Green Couch. To paraphrase, “It’s important to take time off from work so everyone gets an additional week of vacation time per year beginning now.” It took me a few minutes to process whether this email was real or not. Yes, it was.
I was so excited that I had to sit on my hands and force myself to not broadcast this to Facebook, etc. I calmed down a bit and stopped myself. I know that I am probably friends with people who don’t have jobs with benefits or maybe don’t have a job at all and need one. My news did not pass the sniff test for the kind of stuff that I like to post on FB. I did text the GG. I think I used “OMG” in the message. Two-week road trip to Crazy Old Florida, here we come. Yes, it has to be a road trip. We want to stop at various places along the way and maybe even take a side trip somewhere, don’tcha know. So much fun .
January 6th, 2016 at 9:13 pm
Aha! What a terrific bonus! A whole week! Major possibilities!
Let’s talk dates! Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself….
[Can’t emoji back…blasted WordPress.]
January 6th, 2016 at 9:54 pm
That’s a great perk! I can verify from experience that vacation time does help with the enjoyment of one’s job. Getting away from it is an important strategy to appreciate the positives.
January 7th, 2016 at 1:57 pm
great news!
January 8th, 2016 at 5:47 am
I like where you work! The administrators are smart. Treat employees well and reap the benefits of their good work. Congrats!