Okay, I’ll do a bathroom post
I don’t have a whole lot to say today except maybe SUN!!! Thank you weather gods. We needed that. But today does mark the day that the New and Only Bathroom passed all of its inspections, so I’ll post some pics of that. It is (and was) a small space so it isn’t all that easy to photograph. First pic is what I see when I approach the room. You can see Eco Terlet back there. She is hands down the most important denizen of the New and Only Bathroom.
I love this floor tile. Such a difference from the Original Tile, which was tiny little squares in various shades of blue. Black cabinet and quartz marble-looking countertop. I chose not to use the same countertop material as in the chitchen. It just seemed too matchy-matchy to me.
We went for big white subway tiles in the bath but there is that little recess with tiny tiles that echo the teal subway tiles in my chitchen. The small tiles are also used as a backsplash around the sink/counter area. Maybe those little tiles are a “nod” of sorts to that old floor tile. We’ll see how well we get along with the shower doors. Lots of potential for unintended consequences there but we did choose them and I like them so far but there is something about being able to sit on the edge of a tub… But then, I don’t have to wash shower curtains…
There is one little part of the New and Only Bathroom that doesn’t exactly match the rest. We decided to keep the Growth Chart. When we renovated the kitchen, the carpenter was able to scrape off a section of old drywall where Mouse had written her name at the grand old age of two-and-a-half or whatever. That wasn’t possible with the Growth Chart (it was too much) so we kept it. The Beach Urchins and some of their friends are on there. Of course it reminds me of the Growth Chart in the Old Cabin. I am on that particular chart and will have to take some pics next summer.
January 5th, 2016 at 9:08 pm
OH, it is beautiful! Very calm and I do love the floor. It looks like my tile in the master, except different color. Those big rectangular tiles are very IN now.
January 5th, 2016 at 10:58 pm
Everything looks lovely!! The floor tiles are, I think, similar to ones we chose—very thick and substantial—a great visual anchor.
We also have a cottage/cabin Growth Chart, recording the surging upward of people who are now ever-so-gradually losing height.
January 6th, 2016 at 1:09 pm
It’s gorgeous! Wow! I love the curve of the tub doors. It all looks wonderful and welcoming!