Ski? Why, yes, we did. It was great but it was not quiiiiiiiite as good today as it was yesterday. But who could complain, fer kee-reist? A brilliant January sun slicked the snow up just enough to make the conditions go from fast to slippery. Not quite the two glides forward, one glide back that often happens with late winter skiing but enough to get us overheated on what little climbing we had to do. And the ski ranch was overrun with customers. Almost too successful. That’s a good thing, given that some winters have only a few weekends with enough snow to ski. But there were a *lot* of people on the trails. Of course, we could’ve gone elsewhere to a trail without a warming hut, et al. And an earlier start might also have been a better plan. Snow would’ve been colder, fewer people, etc. What can I say. Lazy, lazy.
We did get out though and, when we got back to the cabin, we took advantage of the relatively light winds to walk out on the ice. And so today, you’re gonna get pictures of that expotition icepotition. I don’t have much else to say. I am here with some of my gregarious, fun-loving in-laws and we are all blathering away about whatever comes into our heads and, believe me, we have solved all of the problems facing the planet and then some. We know it all. Or maybe not. I do know that Kathy my sister-in-law has been running a sewing machine off and on all afternoon and that is a sound I have literally heard all of my life. One that I love.
Click here or on the pic for our Icepotition.
January 3rd, 2009 at 8:42 pm
Beautiful pictures, KW. The ice is not quite ready at Birch Point, but it is so beautiful to go out on it during the sunny days of winter. Be very careful that you do not walk in any of the abandoned fishing holes. Ice fisherman here often mark these with small evergreens to prevent the unsuspecting walker from injury.
I will never forget the time 2 winters ago when my sister (the nurse) and brother-in-law (the engineer) came up from Ohio. We were watching a man and woman drag a sleigh and set up an ice-fishing shanty in front of the cabin here. About an hour later we were watching the woman through a power scope sunbathe on the ice in the February sun. My sister asked what she was doing. I said that I have done the same when the sun is blazing and you get too warm in the ice shanty. It is just wonderful to lie down outside and watch the blue, cloudless sky. She kept looking through the scope and the woman was not moving. Her husband would come out from the shanty and visit with her from time to time.
About that time the ambulance from Bay Mills came down Chickadee lane and the corps men walked toward the woman on the ice. My sister,brother-in-law, husband, and I went out to see what happened. Ray and Dick came back for our snow machines to aid in the transport of the woman, her husband, and fishing shanty to shore and to the ambulance. She had broken an ankle by going through an old fishing hole in the ice! She was in a cast for the rest of the winter and wrote a spirited thank you note for our help. Can you believe that I just thought she was enjoying the moment in the sun? What is the moral of THIS story? tsk tsk…..
Cute puppy!
January 4th, 2009 at 1:11 pm
LOVE the photoblogs! Makes me wish all the more that I didn’t live in SE Michigan, but in Northern Michigan!!! I want to have easier/more frequent access to the FUN stuff of winter!!
Your new format is purty nice… with one suggestion: can you index your photos again? I miss seeing the “x of y” counter (and your “next”/”previous” buttons don’t gray-out when there’s no more in that direction….). Just a thought!!
January 4th, 2009 at 9:20 pm
i skied, too!