The best laundromat ever!
I don’t have a photoooo of this but, for weeks and weeks and weeks, we have been watching the moon and various planets in the pre-dawn sky. I saw those objects throughout my 0-skunk-30 walk this morning although Jupiter was getting pretty faint by the time I got back to the Haisley woods and the sun was about to hit the horizon.
The GG was talking about taking a small hike at Waterloo and I thought he meant the Geology Center but it turned out he meant the West Lake Preserve. That was okay with me. There was some frost in some places when we first got there this morning. This is the first frost that I know of this year. Late.
The first time we hiked this preserve, I was not dressed properly (tank top and short skirt, jeebus) so insects were driving me insane, so I didn’t get to this particular spot on the trail.
We did get to this area.
We went off-trail a bit on this trip but not anywhere near as much as we did the last time we did this little hike. That time, I picked up about a billion sticky seeds. All over my long red skirt and my cast. Yes, my CAST! The last time we hiked this preserve turned out to be six days before Titanium Pinky obtained her screw (I did not know the day of the surgery at that time…). I was fine that day except that I had a big frickin’ thing on my arm and about a bazillion sticky seeds stuck to my skirt (and cast). I can’t remember if I actually cried real tears or not, maybe not, but I WAS upset. Like “where’s my mommy” upset. Except that moi mommy is moiles away, like on other side, and I know that all too well and she would probably not have been much help in that situation anyway and I knew it. Anyway, of all things, I DID end up with some of those doggamn seeds again today but it was ONLY a few and I do NOT have a frickin’ cast and I did not FREAK OUT like I did that other time. I love this beautiful little hiking place.
We were talking about a sunset walk down by the river but instead, the GG made a faaaaarrr in the back yard.
And then this happened.
November 8th, 2015 at 10:53 pm
When I saw that last pic on FB, my first thought was: “Oh, cool! Looks like a Wiccan thing!” Lol
November 8th, 2015 at 11:34 pm
Great photo! It does look like some kind of ceremony. I too can freak out about the weirdest things, but mostly when I’m on overload. (too much crap going on that I can’t process)