Quiet weekend at Houghton Lake. Wish you were here!
Actually it became a weeeee bit less quiet a little while ago when my s-i-l The Beautiful Liz pulled into the yard. A welcome surprise! This is a Rocket Trip for us, to pick up the Lyme Lounge. We drove up at 0-skunk-30 this morning, stopping at our fave Best Choice Market for some steaks on the way. After a walk (meeeee) and a nap (the GG) and a snacky lunch, we launched the Flote Bote for a fishing expotition.
The fish weren’t biting so eventually we moseyed over to the Muskegon River.
Since we were in the area, we stopped at the tiki bar. Just one, thank you very much.
I wonder if The Commander could have foreseen that her son-in-law would end up using her purse. If he hadn’t commandeered it, I’d’ve prob’ly dumped it at Kiwanis or somewhere long ago. I’m not sure what’s in there. Tools, I guess. Or fishing gear? Hopefully he won’t leave it in the Mission Hill graveyard.
It wasn’t the warmest day out on the bote and I cannot fit the sleeves of my polartech jacket over my cast or whatever this contraption is, so I wrapped myself up in a beach towel like us kids used to do after swimming in Gitchee Gumee on a cold summer’s day. The sun did deign to make a glorious appearance on our return trip across the lake.
Steaks and corn on the grill, salad and Yukon golds or whatever. Had a hankering for a good steak and caved to it after a month or so of rather up-and-down appetite. And I was able to cut salad veggies today, meaning my hand (as a system or unit) is stronger overall – again, since it got to about this point pre-surgery. Five days. Onward and upward! And good night!
August 30th, 2015 at 8:19 am
The Commander’s bag looks like it’s big enough and sturdy enough to take home a folder or two of papers to grade. If it can stand up to that, it can stand up to a lot! Hurrah for a second life for it.
August 31st, 2015 at 7:39 pm
Great use of your Mom’s bag; I love how it was re purposed! You are making lots of progress and I know that feels great–normal life and activities are most treasured when we lose them, even temporarily.