Gonna miss my rabbit proof fence
Heat, a couple of dry days, hose confusion and some associated laziness left my impatiens looking a wee bit less luxuriant than they did the last time I actively watered them. A wee bit leggy and wilty. Will they survive the next 10 days? I could ask Mouse to water them and maybe I will but she’ll be with us for a good number of the days we’re away. They are pretty damn hardy plants though since for YEARS now, since The Comm died, I have left 2-3 pots of them on the Moomincabin deck Memorial Day weekend and they seem to *flourish* throughout the summer. We’ll see what they are doing tomorrow and I hope The Planet gets more rain while we are gone. It has been anything but a dry summer here in any case.
I’m suffering from the churning feeling I get whenever I’m about to embark on a trip. It’s so beautiful here and I have so much to do around here and I love my little Landfill here on my beloved Planet Ann Arbor. But we are going to the yooperland and I am excited about that too and except for telecommuting on Thursday and maybe (ugh) part of Friday, I will have a wee bit of vacay (but I’ll be back butt in cube all too soon) and see my daughters and cousins (of various degrees) and remaining aunt and uncle* and Our Northern Correspondent and whatever McPiedy friends I happen to cross paths with.
So, the GG is swinging around putting more stuff into the Frog Hopper tonight (and rummaging for Lyme Lounge keys) and we hit up Knight’s for dinner because that has become our go-to place for dinner the night before a trip. We got our fave balcony seat but no interesting downward views tonight. Hung out to watch the skateboarders at the Vet’s park skatepark on the way home. Soooo much fun!
It’s always hard to leave The Planet Ann Arbor for anywhere. It’ll be hard to leave the Moomincabin on the return trip too. Life keeps tumbling on and all I can do is live in the moment.
* Remaining aunt and uncle on the Fin side. I also have a living aunt and uncle on the Mac side.
July 29th, 2015 at 8:45 am
Looking forward to your arrival! We’re doing an early birthday dinner tonight at Zorba’s for Harry while Rey is here.
July 29th, 2015 at 10:25 am
Living in the moment and enjoying both places sounds like an ideal situation. You will make many memories at the cabin! My plants are probably mostly going to die when I’m in Phuket; it hasn’t been raining much and is supposed to be hot again. My parents will try to water, but it’s a lot for them to do. They’ll focus on the tomatoes which are most important. I’m not going to worry about it much.