Let it rain! (But give Texas a break, please)
So, this fancy gutter-cleaning implement was designed and built by none other than my old coot’s buddy Pete, an engineer of some sort. I don’t have a handle on what kind. Seems like one of my lots in life (besides large Catholic families) is engineers but I don’t necessarily know much about that profession. I’m more a “patterns” person than a “story problem” person (ask my brother if you can figure out how to contact him). Anyway, the GG is “battening down” for huge rainstorms that didn’t exactly materialize. Still a good thing to clear the gutters though.
I’ve posted this photo of the Veteran Greenhorns [a few times] before. In the top row, Pete’s brother Jim is on the left, my old coot is second from the right. Pete is seated on the left. (I really need to get a-hold of a larger version of this picture. I have one somewhere.)
I reconnected with Pete’s son Danny after The Commander died. Danny was my first “boyfriend”. He doesn’t go by “Danny” any more and I respectfully use Dan when I communicate with him. I still love him. But Danny is what I remember calling my friend waaaayyyy back in the days when his family [five kids] drove their VW Bus and pop-up camper over to the yooperland from their home in the Niagara Falls area and camped in our back yard, right where we have later parked the Little Princess and nowadays the Lyme Lounge. Oh man, do I miss those days sometimes. The Commander and Danny’s mom Esther cooking together and Community Dinners at the Old Cabin and kids running flying in and out of the moomincabin all day long. Rules? WE DON’T THROW SAND! That was about the only rule. Who needed anything more.
The next photo (which I have *also* posted before) is me and Danny and my loverly dog Tigger. We were six. Yes, I was a lot taller than Dan but we are the same age. I turned into an average-sized adult but I was taller than everyone in my class in school except my beautiful friend Helen until about junior high. As a child, I aspired to be six feet tall! Like my dad and Dan’l Boone. Look at us. We are having so much fun and Tigger is a blur. She ran like the wind when she was young.
We could use a gutter tool down here on The Planet Ann Arbor. Maybe the GG will use Pete’s design and build one.
May 26th, 2015 at 8:57 pm
You were tall! I was always one of the shortest ones in my class. I miss family camping trips with people we no longer see and in places that no longer exist. The memories are vivid in my mind even though they are long gone.