Midterm Lethargy?
For Bob and others in the Courtois tribe, here’s the newly painted garage, flanked by a couple of super-duper, jigsaw-carved jack-o-lanterns we had at Houghton Lake this weekend (yeah the pics are small, I’ll try to get around to hitchin’ ’em up to larger pics tomorrow):
Click on the images to make ’em bigger.
It was a great weekend in many ways but it went too fast. But weekends in the Great White North usually do. We drove up early Friday morning, after an absolutely infuriating mad scramble for the second set of blue Honda keys. Why they were not put in the blasted *basket* I do not know. But the rest of the trip was uneventful and the dark skies were seasonal in their own way.
Saturday morning, I woke up later than I wanted to (7:30), partly because it was raining cats and dogs and darker than all get-out. Bob expressed his opinion that it was too dark to walk but I hitched up my broken old bumbershoot and walked *anyway*. The weather continued to be crappy all day. In a gorgeous sort of way. Rain, sleet, snow, sun, wind, even a snowbow (I missed that one, I was washing my knobbly old boney old feet).
I love my classes but it’s halfway through the semester and I have a lot to do. I spent all too much time on Saturday cuddled up with my powerbook in an overstuffed chair. Looking outside but not *participating* in the great outdoors. When somebody asked, “Who wants to go to Walmart,” I was actually just about first in line. Get me outta here already!
I love my classes. I love making waaarframes. I love playing with Illustrator. But I spent too much time hanging around in an overstuffed chair with a rather old, decrepit powerbook and Illustrator this weekend. It made me feel like I wasn’t doing anything, even though I was making waaarrrframes like crazy. And writing a little CSS too.
I’m sure I’ll get over this. And yes, Lizard Breath, it has been a slow day. For blahg creativity, anyway. Not for driving.
P.S. The Beautiful Gay is a whirling dervish when it comes to vacuum cleaners and the like. I cannot even begin to keep up!
October 30th, 2006 at 1:05 pm
The pumpkins were carved with (1) a very sharp knife to cut out the cap (2) a 1 1/2 inch spade wood boring drill bit (3) a nice kitchen scoop to clean out the guts.