Add Joan Baez to the list
What list? The January 9th birthday list, of course! The Commander, One Half of the Porterization Team, Richard Milhous Nixon, Joan Baez. Today is not January 9th. It is January 11th and it is the birthday of my wonderful sister-in-law, The Beautiful Gay. I will not say what age she has reached except that she and I will be the same age for a few days. I don’t have the words to describe why and how much I love TBG but I feel lucky that she is a part of my life.
Other than that, I don’t have a whole lot. Got a lot done this weekend, large and small chores and tasks and errands and whatever. Weather predictions for today said it would be warmer (in the 20s). And it was and that made life marginally easier. Then, mid-afternoon, I was about to suit up for a second trip to the Plum Market and I happened to check the indoor-outdoor thermometer. 35 degrees? Say what? I don’t think “they” predicted that. I woke up to minus three yesterday. Jeebus.
The GG returned from The Great White North and we were both on the same page about taking a Sunday Sunset Walk down by the river. I guess that’s A Thing now. The sun shone for a while in the late morning but otherwise it has been one of those January black and white days. So, here’s ice on the Huron River. This photo is not fuzzy, it’s the way the ice has formed. I felt almost dizzy when I first saw it. The GG said I should take a picture. I was nervous about *that* because I would have to hold my iPhone out over the river! Yes, I can be a ninny. I took my glubs off (so I would have a better grip) and did the deed.
And then there were some rodent tracks. Mice? Weasels!
This is just a random pic of our loverly river.
Here’s the dam.
Love y’all and hope you had a good weekend,
Kayak Woman
January 11th, 2015 at 11:24 pm
Looks very cold!! We are having unseasonably warm temps and it’s good for us, but not for the skiers/snowboarders or the snow pack in the mountains. I’m anticipating water restrictions this summer.