Anybody remember that long wooden table along the south wall of the old Landfill Chitchen? I have been bugging the GG for a “potting” “bench” or “station” or whatever. That means a place for me to pot my Every-Day-Is-Mother’s-Day impatiens. Note that I am not hinting about anything here. It’s just that I always seem to end up potting impatiens on Every-Day-Is-Mother’s-Day. And then again on or about Memorial Day up at the moomincabin.
I don’t mind getting down on my hands and knees to deal with a less-than-ideal potting situation. But why should I do that when putting impatiens into pots is much more enjoyable if you are standing. At the moomincabin, I stand next to the back deck, which is farther off the ground than the front deck. It’s just about the right height.
I may not have a new microwave (yet) but I do have a new potting thingy because the GG spent some time over the weekend re-purposing that old wooden table that was in the chitchen into a potting thingy! I told him it was just a tad high. He told me to deal with it. I will. I think this will work. ‘hicken obviously likes it, at least as a roost. I see potential for a *shelf* underneath.
The ‘hicken roost / potting thingy is not the only prodject the GG worked on over the weekend. He built another raised bed for an expansion of Mouse’s Garden. Although, something like 20 hours after her most recent play struck, she went to the first rehearsal for her next play. But I know she will find time for gardening. And I will help as much as I possibly can, Black Thumb and all. I do know how to wield a hose.
I want to go on and on blah-de-blah-de about why I pot impatiens every year but I’ll save that for now.
May 5th, 2014 at 6:46 pm
Oh, my, what a great re-purposing idea! (Maybe if you wear thick-soled gardening clogs, the height will work??? haha)
May 5th, 2014 at 8:21 pm
Great idea! I don’t think that all the crouching I do during planting season is very good for my back.
My Italian grandmother would have loved that chicken. She was very into chicken and rooster decor.