Real women wear skirts (when they want to ;-)
Mouse doesn’t look much different here than she did in an ancient photooo I do not have time to locate right now. Same place, N. Higgins Lake State Park, aka the Beaver Creek foot trail, right across the road from the R. A. MacMullan Conference Center.
In that old photooo that I can’t find, Mouse was not wearing a skirt. But why the heck isn’t a skirt appropriate outdoors wear? I do not think my thoughts are organized enough tonight to do a mini-rant about this but I LOVE wearing skirts. They are comfortable (at least mine are) and they look good on me (as much as anything looks good on me) and I feel fantastic when it is minus five or whatever and I am joyfully galumphing along in my YakTrax-clad clodhopper snowboots with a warm wool skirt swirling around my ankles (yes, there are a couple of layers under that skirt). I feel feminine but I also feel like I am conquering the world, or at least the Planet Ann Arbor. Power skirt!
I have already lost my train of thought on that one. Can I just say, it was a perfect weekend up at the Group Home! Skiing, snowshoeing, walking out on the ice in the dark, Best Choice grokkeries, the hardware store (actually Home Depot this time). Beaver Creek this morning was beauteous in the sunshine. Those trees were planted by the CCC and they are all lined up in neat rows. Not like Mother Nature would create a forest but pretty in its own way.
We took the middle route at Beaver Creek today, 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to *6* (skipping 5) to 7 to 8 and back to 1. Doing the longest loop can be a slog because it is mostly flat or a barely perceptible uphill for absolutely forever. We missed all of that but did the hills.
Still, I think we all felt the exhilaration that exercise brings on, so we headed back to the Group Home, made a good dent into leftovers for lunch, cleaned and packed up. Of all things, our trip home was very smooth despite the amount of snow that Thor or whoever was throwing down upon us and the 20 degree temperatures. The sun never completely went away and the I75 SUV Speedway was dry the entire trip. Thank you Thor. Or whoever.
February 16th, 2014 at 9:30 pm
I think you are awesome to wear skirts; I haven’t worn one in years. I live in sweat pants when I’m not at work. I don’t like getting my legs tangled in the skirts or the air coming up them. Maybe I should buy myself some tights.