Happy birthday to…
Snooty the manitee! I have three relatives who were born on this date and then there is the #royalbaby (who I couldn’t care less about except that he is a human being and someone’s beloved son). I had no idea that today was also Snooty’s birthday or even that he was still alive. He is 65 and I am flabbergasted that he is older than me and all of today’s other birthday folks.
I have met Snooty. We were visiting the Florida grandparents back in the Jurassic Age and we took the beach urchins to see Snooty. Man oh man, what a character! We fell in love with him. After we blasted back home to the Planet Ann Arbor, we died dyed Easter eggs and the GG and the beach urchins drew faces on them with sharpies. One of them got named Snooty. We can’t remember exactly what happened but at some point, the Easter egg known as Snooty disappeared and some people were quite upset.
And then there was the time that a first-grade beach urchin was tasked, along with her classroom table-mates, to come up with an aminal mascot. That particular child wanted her “table” to be known as the manitees and she came home quite disgruntled that more kids voted for tiger (or whatever) than manitee. I have to agree with her sentiments. Neither manitees nor tigers are native to the Great Lake State so why *not* be the manitees…
Yay for Snooty and all of the other birthday folks. Love you all. And here’s to the last of the lingering avocados, which I used up tonight!
July 22nd, 2013 at 8:49 pm
Yeek good, I was just wondering about those poor lil avos