Sidewalk Batman

So, it’s Thursday and that means it’s kind of almost the end of the week and, when I left work today, I was in the middle of a little Javascript thing that might better wait until tomorrow morning, at which time I will whip out my little Javascript sword and knock it out quick-like. And not blow the home page away, which is what I did at the end of the afternoon and had to back the dern thing out. And I don’t think anyone noticed. Except my boss has an interesting habit of running into known errors before they are fixed, so we’ll see tomorrow. It’s okay, that’s his job. It’s also his job to decide whether to say anything to his employees or not, so we’ll see about that too. It’s prob’ly hard to be my boss and have to manage old bags like me. Herding cats… Mrrrr-yeeeeooooow, etc.

So, what do we eat tonight? Last Thursday night, we had breakfast dinner but that won’t quite work the same way this week because we are now almost totally outta food. So, I came home from work and walked over to the Plum and I am now trying to figger out something like the gorgeous one-dish pasta meal that Uber Kayak Woman made last Saturday night at Radical Betty’s. I will probably not duplicate it very well, mainly because I am standing at the chitchen counter blahgging instead of paying attention to the stove. Oh well.

Anyway, getting home today was almost like running a gauntlet and this is only the Planet Ann Arbor, I hear that LA and NY and about a billion other larger cities are much worse. The odd thing was that getting from work to the freeway was uncharacteristically traffic-free. At the other end it was jammed and I had to wait through about three lights at the left turn from Jackson onto N. Maple. It was almost like a seiche (google it). The traffic had tipped from the southern side of town to the northwest.

I dunno. It is Thursday and I guess I don’t have much to talk about, so I am done. And that is how Thursdays often are.

Kayak Woman

2 Responses to “Sidewalk Batman”

  1. Dog Mom Says:

    This week at work was INSANE! My Tuesday was like everything that could’ve gone bonkers DID…seemed to spend the entire day “fighting fires”. Wednesday was my cube-partner’s turn for insanity. Today was a more-typical Thursday – INSANE – calls piling up on top of each other.

    Thank the gods that I have such a SHORT commute now! I couldn’t face a 30- or 40-mile one-way commute on top of my current job responsibilities; being brain-dead at the end of a work day doesn’t lend well to commutes longer than about 5 minutes!!! Getting home to change and take The Guyz on a walk is a great way to revive the brain.

  2. Dog Mom Says:

    so… what approximates the UKW one-dish pasta meal??? I am intrigued!