The Last Hurrah

Brrrrrring. Brrrrrinng. “Hello.” “Hey Radical Betty, it’s the last beach day. Come on down to the beach. Pete left some beer and we need to get rid of it!”

And so it goes. It’s the end of another summer here on the shores of Gitchee Gumee. It is a beautiful, clear, sparkling sunny day and the wind is out of the northwest. The Commander and Radical Betty and I sat down there and drank the last beer of the summer. Grok grok. Froggy too! Grok grok. We tried to conjure some boats but none appeared. A woman came out of the woods down at the end of the beach and we couldn’t figure out who she was so we discussed that subject absolutely to death. Until we finally figured out it was our friend Kay, minus her kayak. Too cold. We schlepped all of the boats up except for one kayak and if it is anywhere near kayakable tomorrow morning, I’ll be out there for one last hurrah. Oh, and, uh, I might be cute? Hmmm.

2 Responses to “The Last Hurrah”

  1. Webmomster Says:

    Not that you aren’t, but how did “cute” fit into the blahg? ‘Splain, please?

  2. l4827 Says:

    Ah yes, the time of the season is ending. Wish we were up in UP watching the campfire and enjoying the crisp night airs. We can say this comfortablely from our ‘planet’ head quarters, though my half (meaning me) always likes being *up there*. We want to see the boat traffic again before the leaves turn, but, we’ll try ………….. grokingly. 🙂