27 pillowcases and counting…
I dunno how many pillowcases one small, rustic, northwoods cabin can hold but I’m up to 27 and I still have one more laundry basket to sort out.
Just because I don’t have enough to do already, I gathered up ALL of the sheets and pillowcases at the Moomincabin last weekend and hauled them all down here to the Landfill to wash and sort out. Not that they all needed washing. It does sometimes get a little musty up there but only when it rains for three weeks straight. Summer 2012? Not musty. Still, the linens were in a disorganized mess and I needed to start somewhere. Washing them seemed like a good place to start. Washing them at my “leisure” here at the Landfill seemed like an even better idea. While they were washing, I could think about how to organize them. When things get put away fast and furiously, like they have at the end of the last few summers, things get disorganized. How disorganized? Disorganized enough that *last* summer, we couldn’t *find* enough single sheets to make beds for the beach urchins (even though we knew we had them) so they went to Tarjay on the way up and bought two *new* sets (and The Beautiful Jan was kind enough to *wash* them for us before we put them on the beds).
The Commander ran the Moomincabin linen “closet” with an iron hand for many many years. She had a system and I won’t go into the boring details but it worked very well for a very long time. The last few years, I do not think she had quite the level of energy required to keep up with that system. She definitely could not navigate the not-quiiiite-up-to-code ladder/staircase that leads to the Moomincabin upstairs. At least we didn’t *want* her to navigate it. I’m positive that she managed to get herself up there and down if she wanted to, not that I really want to think about that scenario too much.
I don’t really have a flowchart for this prodject (intentionally misspelled). I have washed everything. I ended up with four laundry baskets of linens. I have folded and sorted three of them. I have some space saver bags to pack all of this stuff into when I get it all sorted out. Double and single sheets, and matching pillowcases where they exist will get stored together. I think when all is said and done, we will need all of the sheets. Pillowcases? 27? Maybe we can get rid of some of those. But not the heirloom hand-embroidered ones from the early 20th century…
Next spring, I will do a similar thing with the blankets and comforters…
The photoooo? Roche Harbor on San Juan Island with Uber Kayak Woman, Lizard Breath and Mouse (kneeling to take a photo) at the bottom of the ramp. It was Monday morning and we were walking around with coffee (and using the bathroom a lot, at least I was) and wondering if all of these boats were deserted. Nope, after a bit, people began appearing everywhere. We were just early. Absolutely *gorgeous* morning in the San Juan Islands. My life is good but I miss that morning so much today.
September 26th, 2012 at 9:27 pm
I am exhausted at the thought of organizing anything around here. I applaud you. I need to get up to the San Juans.
September 27th, 2012 at 7:10 am
With everyone coming and going at the cabin it is difficult to keep things organized. Mac read somewhere that you should put matching sheets and an extra pillowcase inside the second pillowcase and store them that way. It might work. We have the same problem with towels and wash cloths, however.
September 27th, 2012 at 10:23 am
What a fun day! And I think Sandy is on to something…
September 28th, 2012 at 8:57 pm
Sandy has a great idea! We could use that tip at HL too. I tried the Martha Stewart way of folding the sheets and wrapping the bottom sheet around the folded top sheet and pillow cases so everythin was in a neat package, but it has not “caught on”. Folded inside a pillow case is easy.