[Long] Lost and found photo
I was thinking about this photooo yesterday and wouldn’t you know, the GG actually knew where it was. We were poor when I was six years old and my parents built this place. Poor being an exaggeration I think. I don’t remember EVER being hungry or cold (well, cold maybe for sometimes when the summer temperatures on Gitchee Gumee would dip to the 30s overnight). We owned our own home and a car and my dad worked as a banker in the small town of Sault Ste. Siberia. Let me just say that his salary was NOTHING approaching the salaries of those “bankers” who drove our nation’s economy off the road a few years ago. We lived well but modestly.
But my granddaddy and a couple of his friends bought this beach in the 1920s and when I was six, my parents abandoned their dreams of building a new house on a lot they owned then and instead decided to build a cabin on the grandparents’ land. I forget how much money they told the builder they could spend but it was not a lot. The builder was a buddy of my dad. He was up to the challenge and one of the things that I love most about this place is the big picture windows. They were salvaged from a store somewhere.
The white paint was just the first coat. The parents knew they were going to paint the place red (it’s brown now and I actually had to go out the back door to check…) but it also kind of looked like a hamburger stand and so the “hambergurs 10 cents” sign was a huge joke around the moominbeach for a while. I would not be surprised if The Commander actually served hamburgers to folks but I don’t exactly remember. Probably there *were* a few good parties involving hamburgers on the grill and a wee bit of beer or whine or liqwire. I do know that those folks had a darn good time. The Commander always told me that when she first met Grandroobly’s family, they were all giggling. I think we still do that and that is not a bad thing.
This place has evolved just a wee bit since that photoooo was taken and I talked about that yesterday so I won’t bore you with it again.
Another long day. We spent the morning finalizing the carpeting work at The Comm’s house with Ralph and his lovely Canadian wife Colleen. Ralph was a friend of The Engineer (photo) and did The Comm’s last carpeting project. Colleen is a second grade teacher at Washington School. Then there was a window washing session at the Dillon house and… finally… ’cause I was starving by that time… lunch at one of my fave places on earth, The Palace Saloon!
That is about it for now. The rest of the day was filled with moomincabin clean up and close out staging tasks. We’re not closing up this weekend. We’ll be back one more time.
September 24th, 2012 at 10:01 am
interesting – if you asked what color your cabin was, I would have said ‘red’. apparently my ‘attention to detail’ is not all that I think it is. or else 40 years outweighs 10 years.