It’s been surreal

Ended the day by having dinner with a bunch of folks from my Soo High graduating class. The idea is to meet up once a year in the Lansing area, which is a good south-central location, accessible to folks living on both the west and east coasts of the Great Lake State and other points in between. I am always nervous about these things and then I always have a good time even though I am just about the most awkward person on earth when it comes to socializing. My classmates either don’t remember me from high school or they have forgiven me. Anyway, people were showing off pictures of their grandchildren. Even though I know a lot of people my age have grandchildren, I am still processing that. Alas, driving over to Lansing for dinner means you have to drive back and you don’t get home until it’s past that pumpkin stage so it’s late and I need to decompress a bit more so I can sleep.

Love y’all and good night,
Kayak Woman


2 Responses to “It’s been surreal”

  1. Margaret Says:

    My husband is also an awkward socializer, but way worse than you. However, it has provided the girls and me with much amusement over the years. 🙂

  2. Tonya Watkins Says:

    Glad you had a fun time. It always makes me feel a little stunned when us high school girls get together and all the grandchildren pics start circulating, too, even though that’s been going on for quite a while now. I’m not part of that club and don’t see me being there any time soon. I also feel awkward around most of them because…there is so much religiosity that I really don’t relate to. But there is still the history of knowing each other since we were children in many cases, and that’s pretty compelling.