In which nobody put on deodorant behind me
We were still on the freeway when an unnamed facebook friend posted about taking off a certain undergarment on a Friday evening. All I could think was, “15 more minutes!” At this moment it is 11:11 11/11/11 (but it won’t be by the time I post this) so, if you know me, you know that I have officially turned into a pumpkin.
Long day and we did something outside our usual tickety little Planet Ann Arbor weekend pattern, which was to drive over to northern megalopolis for a birthday dinner with The Beautiful Becky and then a musical, “Chicago” at Stevenson High. Our niece (The Beautiful Becky’s daughter) was in the play. I have helped produce many plays in my life and I have been a pit orchestra player in quite a few musicals and operas and I know how much work it takes to make a stage production come together. Especially one with music! I am *not* that good at sitting in an audience but these kids and their adult advisers did a fantastic job and I enjoyed it very much. Bravo Stevenson High!
We are finally home. I cannot believe how much traffic there is over in megalopolis at 10 o’clock at night! The rest of this weekend will be the usual stuff. The farmer’s market and the dump (grrrr) and flinging sessions in the Landfill Dungeon. Aaannnnddd rodent turd eradication. I am not budging from town for the rest of the weekend.
Oh, you are wondering about the deodorant? Okay, I will repeat the deodorant story. Once upon a time, we went to a musical at PiHi, right here on the Planet Ann Arbor. I regret to say that I cannot remember which musical it was. We were standing in a long line waiting to get in and there were these kind of ditzy [sorry] high school girls standing behind us. Wouldn’t you know they ended up being seated *directly* behind me! At the intermission, one of them said to the other, “Do you have any deodorant?” The other one apparently did because a few minutes later the first one said, “La la la, I’m putting on deodorant in a crowded theatre.” At the end of the show, the GG stood up and proclaimed, “Smells like a locker room in here!” He *claimed* he had not heard the deodorant conversation.
Good night! It is long past my bedtime. Come to think of it, I believe that Mouse is in a play next weekend. It is not a musical. She has participated in one musical that I know of, as the assistant director: “Forbidden Planet”, Kalamazoo College, 2009.
P. S. to the GG: Sorry that I didn’t blahg about what you wanted me to blahg about :twisted:.
November 12th, 2011 at 2:13 am
I have to tell you, I FLUNG that undergarment!
November 12th, 2011 at 9:29 pm
I missed all the 11s.
The GG’s comment about a locker room would be exactly something that my husband would say. And very loudly! I need to get a ticket to see our school musical “My Fair Lady.” I have tons of students in it and they are all begging me to attend. It’s just so tiring to be out that late at night!