In which KW is having so much fun, she doesn’t even remember to title a post ;-)
I guess it was a better post [yesterday’s, that is] than the day I posted “Grrrrr” (yes, that was the entire post).
I really was having fun yesterday. That football game? It was pretty confusing because usually when the U of M plays anybody, “we” are *for* U of M. “We” includes me, even though I don’t really care about team sports. So I was really confused yesterday about who the GG was rooting for. We both went to MSU but, truth told, I am generally more on the side of the U of M. I think it dates from the days the Old Coot’s bank bought one set of season tickets and we would travel from the Yooperland once each fall to attend a football game at the Big House (and stay with our beloved cousins). And I liked Bo Schembechler (UM’s longtime coach) who has been dead for a while now. I didn’t like the coach of the last few years, who wasn’t anything like Bo. There’s a new coach this year, who I think at least has an idea about what U of M is. I had hope. I still have hope. Maybe not for this year but…
This weekend? I have been flinging like crazy! I liberated two more mynah bird cages plastic shelf units. I haven’t put them out on the street with a FREE sign just yet. I think I will wait until I have three.
The photoooos? Well. Yesterday, I guess it was pretty windy in the Yooperland (it was here too) and at some point in the day, the GG noticed that the Birch Point Beach webcam was looking UP into the trees… Either it had fallen off the tree or the tree had gone down… The GG enlisted Pete to go and check it out. Yes, the tree had fallen down. Fortunately, we have plenty of trees, so Pete put the cam up on another one.
These photooos were sent to me via text message from our Northern Correspondent Paulette this morning. When I received them, I was hanging out in the backseat of Dogmomster’s beautiful new Honda Accord Crosstour as we were traversing Huron River Drive.
Thanks to Jeep and Pan for hanging up the beach cam on another tree. Thanks to Paulette for the photoos. Thanks to Dogmomster for the good time yesterday. Thanks to Mouse for visiting today (I needed that) and for talking to The Comm (who was probably happy to talk to somebody besides, uh, meeeee).
October 16th, 2011 at 6:54 pm
Glad to hear about the flinging. My husband has been doing some of that in the garage; unfortunately he planned to go to the dump with all the JUNK, but doesn’t feel up to it. So, it’s still around…looking like junk.
October 16th, 2011 at 7:40 pm
“Flinging” is something we definitely need to be doing a whole bunch more of.
October 16th, 2011 at 8:36 pm
Maybe you suffer from PSTD, Professional Sports Team Disability?
October 16th, 2011 at 8:36 pm
Go Cards!
October 17th, 2011 at 6:59 am
I don’t know why I’m surprised, but it looks so bare with all the summer green undergrowth gone.
October 17th, 2011 at 9:31 pm
Dogmomster got a new Accord? I got a new Honda Odyssey on Friday. (naming it the Silver Arrow!) Steven loves his Accord. I hope Dogmomster likes hers too.