Move over Moosezilla
Yeah, I know. I don’t have a face, do I? Well, what can I say. It was dark and this photooo is from my iPhone… And the GG was trying to be all artsy fartsy and get the Planet Jupiter to show up in the photoooo behind yer favo-rite blahgger’s head even though his actual mission was supposed to be to get a photoooo of her in this loverly winter get-up. Sorry but there ain’t no way my iPhone is gonna ever get a photooo of the Planet Jupiter. At least not from the Planet Earth. It was eight degrees (Fahrenheit, of course) and that skirt actually serves as a bona fide layer! It is wool and I wore it over my DKNY tights and cheep cotton/spandex leggings. Eight degrees is really not all *that* cold. If it had been a few degrees warmer, I wouldn’t have needed another layer. And I was darned if I was gonna wear snowpants downtown to the Old Town barrrooooom. Aside from the whole Planet Jupiter tangent, this was not the easiest photoooo to get because people kept walking by and they all seemed to think we were actually doing something *serious* because they kept trying to politely wait until we were done with our little photo shoot. I kept saying, “Oh, go ahead, I’m just pretending I’m Moosezilla,” and this being The Planet Ann Arbor (and not The Planet Jupiter), people were pretty much cracking up about that.
TGIF and good night. -KW
January 21st, 2011 at 10:00 pm
KW is “stylin” in A2 at 8F… We are at -0.1F now going to -9F tonight. High on Sunday of 0F. The 4-5 inches of snow from last night is so light and fluffy that 9&10 TC news reported some hearty souls using leaf blowers as snow blowers! Love your hat!
January 21st, 2011 at 11:02 pm
You look awesomely layered! Older Daughter is experiencing some cold weather in NYC and not dressing appropriately for it, which means she is always uncomfortable or spending too much time holed up in her apartment.