100 26 things
- My sidewalk this morning? Wet but well salted with just a few little patches of soft snow. Not slippery.
- Next door neighbor’s sidewalk this morning? Covered with old, soft, snow. Not slippery.
- Two houses down? Glare ice!
- KW? About face and back to The Landfill for YakTrax.
- Temperature 31 and bits of precipitation outta the dark sky? What was she thinking?
- An umbrella wouldda been useful too.
- General walking conditions? Highly and unpredictably variable! People, if you snowblow, SALT YOUR SIDEWALK! So it doesn’t turn into a sheet of glare ice!
- Bullpen across the street from Cube Nayber and I? Occupied by a new employee after a couple years of emptiness.
- I think that last is probably a positive thing, whaddy’all think?
- Work otherwise a bit dangereuse due to long suffering, cat herding person’s weekend acquisition of a light saber.
- Probably not as dangereuse as when I used to work over at That Darn EPA and a co-worker enjoyed squishing people’s bag lunches.
- Yes, really. With her bare hands.
- Y’all know dern well that KW now possesses a light saber too.
- I’ll let y’all guess where/how/how fast she got it.
- Grok grok grok! *I* wanna lite saber tooo. I wanna greeeeeeeen wun. grok grok grok frgodk grodko!
- (((((wonder what the new employee — who doesn’t work with our team — thinks about the light sabers/our sanity…))))
- From the radio: the Tiger Woman talks about threatening to lock her 3-year-old out in the cold for not practicing the puano (intentionally misspelled) for three hours.
- Three hours? Three-year-old? Huh?
- From the Landfill Chitchen: KW remembers when a certain Mouse would venture outside (of her own free will) in a SUNDRESS at temperatures of about 7 degrees above zero.
- (Note to self: Find that photooooo. It’s around somewhere.)
- Kayak woman ≠ Tiger Woman, at least not 99% of the time.
- Us “type A” personalities will always have our moments of child-raising panic!
- OMG! I didn’t teach my 3-year-old calculus yet! The sky is falling!
- I think about calculus all the time but I can’t remember much about how to actually “do” calculus. Whatever that means.
- I was thinking about calculus when I was 3 years old. I think I “did” calculus quite well back then, thank you very much.
- What are your
10026 (is it 26?) things from today?
Or however many things. I could prob’ly come up with more than 26 but too many of the things that happened today fell into that loverly category of “I-can’t-blahg-about-it”. Cheers! –KW
January 18th, 2011 at 11:34 pm
Who is the Tiger Woman? She sounds very intense! BRRRR! I hate glare ice, but don’t venture out in it, even in the SUV. My dad has YakTrax but I’m not sure he’s even needed them yet. 🙂