Child of a Hoarder
It’s my
new old favorite pitcher. I think it held milk at the dining table every day of my childhood. Back then, it wasn’t any particular item of beauty as far as I was concerned. I was much more enthralled with glittery shiny over-the-top stuff. I had totally forgotten about this simple, yet beautiful pitcher. Last weekend, when The Commander told me there was a package for me in the back bedroom, I was a bit skeptical. There wasn’t exactly a *package* in there. There *was* an object wrapped in bubble wrap. That must be it, I thought. And it was. A pitcher from my childhood. An object that I interacted with every day. At first, I thought she was giving it to me to give to one of the Beach Urchins but then I decided it was mine. For now. The Beach Urchins can fight over it someday. If they want it. It was never really a part of their lives I don’t think, at least I can’t remember if it was in use when the Beach Urchins visited Grandma’s Other House, the Real House, Where She Lives Some of the Days. Er, the other days she *doesn’t* live on the beach, of course. Which, since the beach is on Lake Superior, averages out to *most* of the days.
We all know of hoarders. People whose homes are so stuffed with junk that there are narrow paths through the rooms and dysfunctional appliances filled with papers and. and. Actually I don’t personally know anyone that bad and you probably don’t either. And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s Children of Hoarders. But I know a few people who seem to unreasonably hang on to things and I can’t say that I don’t do it myself. It’s an ongoing struggle. Well. Not The Commander. The Commander is on the warpath. She wants to get rid of everything she owns before she dies. Which may not be any time soon. I have told her that when that eventuality eventually comes, I will not have a problem dealing with her stuff. Comparative to some other people on the planet, there isn’t that much. But she is driven to get rid of everything. It’s okay. I am actually impressed. Love you, Moom! You are a role model. She reads this, yaknow.
Anyway, after I did a double-take at what was in that bubble-wrap, I very carefully packed it up and took it home. I don’t really have a place for it here in this sorta hoarder house. Maybe it’ll be one more item that will spur the development of a new Landfill kitchen one of these days. This kitchen is sure ugly. I hope that when I die (and I’m not planning on it any time soon), I don’t leave my kids with a bunch of crap that they don’t really want. But I hope that I don’t give away whatever few things they might actually *want*.
Life ain’t easy whether you are a hoarder or not.
Love y’all, Kayak Woman
April 16th, 2008 at 9:22 pm
That is a beautiful pitcher, Anne. If you dont want to use it for milk, why not look for a narrow glass vase that is a little shorter than the pitcher, put it inside the pitcher to line it, and put some pretty spring flowers in it. It will look really nice in the landfill and brighten your day. You could also skip the liner idea and use silk flowers if you want to. Then you dont have to worry about water or contaminating the pitcher. Maybe someday when you have grandkids you will want to use it for milk. That is why I sugested the liner idea. Or if you don’t plan on using it for milk, isn’t the sun over the yard arm?
April 16th, 2008 at 9:26 pm
Actually, now that I look at that pitcher a little closer, I think that our parents had a flower vase that was very similar. The floral design and colors were very much like it. Brings back a memory.
April 17th, 2008 at 9:15 am
Life is not hard!!!! You just have to let it wash over you………………………..