Merry Christmas from your friendly gas company!

cookies.jpgHow about a recipe post? Okay? Okay! A question came from the Great State of California asking about the recipe for “those chocolate bar cookies with the green frosting.” Or something like that. I’m too lazy to re-listen to the voice mail message she was forced to leave because — again! sigh — I had forgotten to turn my ringer on after class! But I knew just what she was talking about. Back in the day, The Commander’s gas company up in the Great White North used to send out cute little recipe pamphlets every xmas season. I’m not sure what year it was that “Dutch Chocolate Bars” were in the pamphlet. It had to be after 1972 because, if my memory is right (and it may not be), the recipe caught my eye in a pamphlet that arrived in the mail at “Grandma’s Other House, the Real House, Where She Lives Some of the Days.” And The Commander didn’t move to that particular house until after I left for college. Funny how parents do things like that. Move. Get divorced. We’ve done neither. I guess we’re just not cool. Although we may well strangle each other one of these days. Aaaaaannnnnnway. Without further ado, here is the recipe. These things are really good but plan to share them with a crowd or store them carefully, because they dry out fairly quickly. And what the heck! If they GET dried out, THROW ‘EM OUT! No guilt here, please! I guess that stuff qualified as further ado. Sorry.

Dutch Chocolate Bars
Michigan Consolidated Gas Company

1 cup flour
1-1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 cup butter
3 eggs, beaten
3 squares melted unsweetened chocolate
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cups oatmeal

1/4 cup butter
2 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp. peppermint extract
food coloring
3 tbs. cream (approximate)

Sift dry ingredients. Add others.

Bake 25 minutes at 350.

Frost when cool.

The really cool thing is that The Commander has unearthed a whole bunch of these little pamphlets and is going to send them to me. I will guess that she’s happy that I didn’t respond to her offer with my usual overwhelmed-by-clutter answer of “no, I don’t need those.” 🙂 I dunno if all of the recipes fit 21st century tastes and diets and cooking habits and things but they are really fun to look at!

“Beef-stuffed Mushrooms” anyone?

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