Internet Withdrawal
The internet gods are not on my side today. Lemme see. Yesterday, I got up and walked, had coffee with Mouse, then headed over to Metro and picked up Aimee and headed north. My plan was to take 275 to 96 to 23 to the I75 SUV Speedway. When I saw the exit for Stockbridge/Webberville, I realized we had gabbed our way right through the turnoff to 23. Oh well, we took a short side trip through the beautiful campus of MooU.
So, it is gorgeous up here and last night, after a b&b with Radical Betty, Grinch and Aimee, I went back to the cabin and watched the sunset — at 11 PM or so. This *is* the UP, after all. Coffee this morning over at Radical Betty’s, then we removed the canoe from the garage.
Next project: try to get on the internet. Hmmm. We upgraded the Commander’s Internet service to a DSL and waaarrrless last fall and that was great except that now there is no way (that I know of) to get on-line at the cabin. So, she’s at water-ex and I don’t seem to have a key to her house (will have to remedy that) so I am now at Penny’s Kitchen. And, for whatever reason, although I can see a signal here, I can’t seem to *do* anything on the Internet, so I am reduced to using one of their computers to check my email via the web. And blahg. To add insult to injury, my cell phone does not seem to pick up a decent signal at the beach. So, don’t bother trying to call me and if you email me, I’ll get back to you eventually.
And now, I am faced with the age old question of what to get at the grocery store. What do I want to eat? I do not know. Cheers!