Sandy Claus

These Santas were part of The Commander’s Santa collection. I think she believed in Santa Claus in the sense that he spreads good will throughout our increasingly war-torn world (not that our world has ever not been war-torn). In any case, The Commander had a Santa collection and I have informally inherited it.

The pic is from when she was living in the Freighter View assisted living facility. 13 years ago. We set up her place with xmas lights and decorations, including these Santas. You can’t see but out the window is the Soo Locks. I thought Freighter View would be a good place for her (and she could afford it plus keep her Dillon house aka Command Central). As it turned out, after a couple of trips to the hoosegow and a long stay there, The Commander succumbed to c.diff and its aftermath, a disease I had never heard of.

These little Santas were last displayed (for The Commander) on the window sill at her apartment at Freighter View. I do a small Santa display here at the Landfill and they were included in my display for years afterwards. Except there are only two of them left now. A couple years ago, someone besides me put away my little Santa collection and the next year, two of them were missing. I have not seen them since.

I am sad but life goes on.

One Response to “Sandy Claus”

  1. Margaret Says:

    They are probably around somewhere and you’ll find them when you’re not looking in a place you never would have thought of. Tonya has a Santa collection too! I use my girls’ snow globes as my collection–cheating? 😉