Go ,la! (rhymes with Momala)

I have been called “the family liberal” (by probably a more liberal cFam outlaw than me), so maybe you can decode who I voted for (for prez anyway) from the title. School board members? I actually just asked MMCB2 who to vote for. I have known her “forever” (since our kids were in middle school). She is heavily involved in local school politics and this particular election (and we’ve had some problems here, which is why she is involved). She is a former school board member and MENSCH and I trust her judgment. Although we all know that people sometimes say anything to get elected and then turn on their supporters. Is that politics? I guess. I don’t personally have the “stomach” for it.

I am not all that optimistic that Kamala will win. I will never understand why people continue to support Trump, a guy who lies constantly (among other things). Immigrants are eating people’s pets in Ohio? Debunked by many in Ohio, including the GOP governer. Joe didn’t call the governors of the states affected by Hurricane Helene? Um, those governors DID receive calls and said so. Trump is nasty to everyone who opposes him in any way, including some of his supporters and why do so many of them continue to support him? I could go on and on and on but suffice it to say (again (and again (and again))) he is just in it for himself. He doesn’t care about anyone else and I don’t think he (“businessman” that people call him, whatever that means) understands economics. Not that I understand economics either but I don’t think he is inclined to listen to the experts who do understand economics.

Cherry-picking some issues? “The economy” and “immigration” and I guess some of us still care about reproductive choice. “The economy” is ALWAYS important. The president has very little control over it. Immigration? I am a descendant of immigrants and most of you are too. Not to mention Trump is a descendant of immigrants and has married two immigrants. OF COURSE, we cannot let people from other countries flood our borders. Mass deportation and separating all children from their parents who are trying to legally enter our country are not good solutions. Pro-choice? Not tonight.

I am for Kamala. Please join me.

One Response to “Go ,la! (rhymes with Momala)”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I will gladly join you although, like you, I’m not optimistic. I’m very discouraged and terrified by the realities we face if 45 gets back in office, incoherent crazy idiot that he is. 🙁