Be careful what you ask for

I asked for photos. This is what I got. You are welcome to not embiggen if you don’t want a closer view😵‍💫

The GG has been in the yooperland and last night he was camping alone in a campground following the departure of his lady friends, The Softies. This group of women prefers (like I do) a shower in the morning and whine in the evening and a decent bed to sleep in. Actually, I can sleep just about anywhere unless there’s dog poop in the bed. The Softies also like to have a male companion and the GG, as a woman-friendly guy, fits the bill. Another guy (somebody’s husband maybe?) also accompanied the group.

I was almost feeling a little sorry for him being alone until I started receiving dead bear pics. Some bear hunters had arrived with their kill and set up camp. Gee thanks. Actually they don’t bother me. Once when I was a “baby blogger”, I posted some dead seagulls and things. One photooo was just a cormorant head floating around near the shore. My brother was still alive then and his reaction was a gleeful, “Dead aminals on the blog!” He also sent me a HUGE dead sturgeon. That would be he sent me a PHOTO of the sturgeon, not the actual fish! And he had to email me his reaction because that was when I was still “rolling my own” blahg and there was no way to comment.

When you live on a beach, dead things are always washing up and you get used to it at an early age.

Has our warm weather begun to break? I dunno. It was pretty warm until the late afternoon when a mini-storm rolled through and the temperature dropped significantly. Still warm enough to hang out in the back yard after work but I switched my polar fleece vest for a jacket. And, jeebus, what was up with the car alarm that went off something like eight times over on Walter! That kind of thing doesn’t usually annoy me but today I was like, DISCONNECT THE DAMN THING!

One Response to “Be careful what you ask for”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I don’t like bears but I prefer them alive, just far away from me. It was warm and sunny, but now it’s cloudy and cooler. We have quick weather changes here in our marine climate.