Oh hummingbird

Can you see it? It’s blurry and blends in a bit. It’s more or less at the center bottom of the pic. Embiggen. I thought I had taken multiple pics of this birdie but somehow only this one showed up and the birdie had moved on. I was hoping it would come back later but if it did, I was inside telecommuting.

I came really close to taking the afternoon off. A meeeee afternoon if you will. I didn’t, mainly because I was too lazy to have the required Come to Jeebus meeting with my paid time off balance. I think there is plenty left in there for me to take an afternoon off but I wasn’t sure. I like to take the days before and after Turkey Day off and then around 10 days for the winter holidays. There were soooo many years that I had a stinky little two or three weeks of vacay a year. It’s not like that (for me) any more but I’m still PTSD about it… Corporate America? People need more time off.

The Commander used to hang hummingbird feeders on the deck at the moomincabin. It’s a little bit risky because sometimes bears approach them. My uncle Don who built the cabin/house to the east of the moomin caught one in the act. I don’t think he did anything about it, just waited patiently until it left. We don’t hang feeders out these days but we pot impatiens every year and the hummers visit those. But these impatiens are at The Landfill on The Planet Ann Arbor. Deer ate the ones at the moomincabin.

I don’t know what kind of interactions went on between my uncle/aunt and their hummingbirds but The Comm’s hummingbirds used to approach our picture windows, looking for her. Where’s my food?

The son of one of my cousins (grandchild of my uncle Don) once pranked my parents by whittling a hummingbird and positioning it on the feeder. The parents were gobsmacked that this hummingbird was completely still. Until they figgered it was a fake. That’s the kind of thing that sometimes passes for excitement at the moomincabin.

That kid was (and is) a force of nature although I’m not sure he was given credit for it at the time. I remember one kinda warm but gray day when he joined a bunch of us “old” folks (me, my parents, Radical Betty and I fergit who else) down on the beach in front of his grandparents’ cabin. One of his older sisters observed this and told his mom, “He’s hanging around with all of those *old* people.”

Old but good, young at heart, and often pretty dern funny. And to be clear, my uncle Don, my parents, and Radical Betty are all long dead. I miss when they were around. And that kid? Husband and father now and uber-talented at many things. What I see the most are his home reno projects, posted by his wife on Instagram. Super impressive work.

One Response to “Oh hummingbird”

  1. Margaret Says:

    My mom is so excited when hummingbirds visit her fuchsia. I see the one in the photo! John used to have several feeders but doesn’t now because the birds are getting sick from them according to the news.