Night drivin’

This was last week and I think we were driving out Huron toward home from downtown. Our visitor has gone back to her Pacific island and our own jet-setter is off to Cally-forny. I washed everything including my shoes today. They are washable (and were actually a wee bit odiferous) but they do not go in the dryer.

I don’t have much of ANYTHING today. It is a ho-hum regular work week except for the part where a software application I have been using ALL THE TIME (for 17 years, no less) somehow got removed from my laptop over the weekend. And I have been unable to file a ticket to try to get it fixed.

The stupidest thing I heard Trump say today was to brag that he could work [something, I didn’t catch what] at McDonald’s better than Kamala any day. Whut? Does he REALLY want to compete with Kamala for a McDonald’s job. What an ignoramus. MAGA friends, WHY are you supporting him? It isn’t because of his “policies” because he really doesn’t have them. He is now promising to do all the things he promised to do in his previous presidency AND DIDN’T! People have such short memories.

I think I will give it up for the night. I watched a few episodes of “Joe Pera Talks With You” last night and I will do a few more tonight. They are short, which works well for this show with its quirky characters. I’m enjoying it but I wonder if folks unfamiliar with the old yooper schtick would “get” it. Even though I grew up in the yooperland I wasn’t actually immersed in yooperism but I get the stereotypes. That said, I was not a fan of “Escanaba in da Moonlight”. My fam does not hunt although we spend a lot of time in the woods, just not in deer “camps”. It’s complicated…

2 Responses to “Night drivin’”

  1. Margaret Says:

    When some idiots talk about Harris’ “word salad,” I think–are they smoking crack? She speaks well whereas the worst word salad in the world comes from their tinplated “god.”

  2. Pam J. Says:

    Here’s my favorite recent Trumpism. At a press conference in LA last week he told the attendees (and me, listening as I often do, on the radio) he could solve their water problems:
    “You have millions of gallons of water pouring down from the north with the snow caps and Canada, and all pouring down and they essentially have a very large faucet,” Trump said on Friday.

    “You turn the faucet and it takes one day to turn it, and it’s massive, it’s as big as the wall of that building right there behind you. You turn that, and all of that water aimlessly goes into the Pacific (Ocean), and if you turned that back, all of that water would come right down here and into Los Angeles,” he said.

    Yeah, a big ole faucet that takes a day to turn on.