ratatat atat atat BANG BANG BANG

Ratatatatat. Loud. Things have settled down a bit recently but for the first week or 10 days that I was back on the Planet Ann Arbor, it was NOISY around here. Why? Because acorns were hitting the roof like crazy. Also branches, according to the GG, which were being knocked down by squoils, who were trying to get at more acorns. A chipmunk was in the Landfill yesterday but I haven’t seen it since and don’t smell anything so it must’ve made its way out again.

We live under oak trees so there are always acorns but I don’t remember being under quite this much of a barrage EVER. And these are all over the yard! And that’s all I have to say tonight because Imma gonna watch a series about a teacher (I think) who lives with his mother (I think) in Marquette Michigan (which is three hours west of the moominbeach). My kids have suggested this and tonight one of them “poked” me to get a move on with this so I will do that.

One Response to “ratatat atat atat BANG BANG BANG”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Let me know if it’s any good. I’m needing something new to watch.