But she’s not there

I guess it was a gorgeous day on the moominbeach, never mind that the GG has put the fugly coverings over the picture windows. I HATE those window coverings and if I were there, they would not be installed until the last nano-second. But I am not there and I don’t think they bother the GG as much as they bother meeeeee.

He sent me this pic from Bill’s Birch Point Beach Bank Bench, just above our beach. For a mini-sec I wished I was there but y’know what? I am glad to be back on The Planet Ann Arbor. Soooo hard to live in two places. Well plus the weather at the moominbeach is supposed to tank overnight. npJane was scheduled to join him on the bench and then they were gonna roast hot dogs in the Old Cabin faaaarplace. Good times.

So grock expotitions today? FOUR OF THEM! 1) Jackson Road Meijer for things I can’t really get at the upscale grock store (Plum) or farmers markets. Usually it’s because I can get a cheaper brand at Meijer. 2) Plum Market for filet mignon and a few other things I CAN get there but not necessarily at Meijer. 3) The corn trailer behind and up from the Plum. Alas, I was too late for corn but I got some apples and potatoes. 4) Pete’s Produce out on Joy Road where I *did* get some corn but maybe I’ll try Pete’s again tomorrow to see if he has more.

The GG and npJane were treated to a pretty good air show today by the Canadian Snowbirds. The Soo Cananada airport is across the St. Marys River from the moominbeach and the Snowbirds occasionally touch down there. A fighter jet of some sort passed over The Landfill this afternoon. It wasn’t screaming along, just flying over. I dunno what it was. The interwebs tell me that the UMich football flyover today was Warthogs and I’m not sure what those are (and not inclined to look it up). I did not see the actual flyover.

The GG *did* manage to remember to snag my tie dyed maxi skirt (and also a black one) from the “closet” in the back downstairs bedroom. I was relieved to hear that.

One Response to “But she’s not there”

  1. Margaret Says:

    That’s a beautiful shot! I’m so lazy that I hate going to more than one (or possibly two) places for stuff. And I usually do pick up anyway. 🙂