
In the 40s this morning. I was toughing it out (inside) with socks and a polarfleece jacket but when the GG got up he turned on the furnace. I used to get annoyed by that but I have kind of given up. Actually when we first moved in to this place, there was a gas meter in the basement and whenever the furnace was about to start up, it would start SQUEAKING! That drove me absolutely CRAZY (as do all unnecessary noises, loud or not). Not to mention that I was much more conscious of how much money we were spending on utilities (and everything) in those days and that stupid squeak was a reminder that we were about to use more gas.

Fast forward… We are far from wealthy but we are beyond the point of worrying about how much gas we are using, especially since we both like it a little colder than most people (especially me) so we are frugal by design. And several iterations of gas meters later, no one has had to visit the basement to read the meter in many years and it is now some fancy kind of meter that can be read electronically. They installed those throughout the neighborhood during the pandemic and it was wonderful entertainment.

We had a really friendly gas meter guy way back when so I wasn’t nervous about letting him into the basement but in general, that’s a service model I’m glad has gone by the by. I’ll [re]tell y’all about the “serial killer” Comcast sent out once some other day. Me to the GG (on the phone): I am NOT going into the BASEMENT with him!

It was a little rough around here this morning. It always is when the GG goes to a Lions game, which he is at now at although it DOESN’T START UNTIL AFTER 8 PM!

The issue is taking a vee-hickle down to Dee-troit and parking it somewhere SAFE. I mean mainly from the PO-LEESE who once (years ago) came along and towed the Dogha along with every other car on the street. No meters or no parking signs. It was likely a scam. Despite reassurances from people who have LIVED in Detroit RECENTLY that that kind of thing doesn’t happen any more… Well, the morning was a frantic exercise of downloading apps to pay for parking in various lots/structures. I do not know (or want to know) the details of this. I just tried to stay outta the fray. One thing I do know is that apparently our main family banking institution has been known to CANCEL legitimate financial transactions made in Detroit. It’s not North Korea fer kee-reist.

Anyway, the Twinz of Terror are sending the usual “A -ick” (autocorrect for “chick”) pics from the stadium so apparently they have successfully parked. Never sure why these beautiful young women are willing to pose with the Twinz but here are a few ’cause I couldn’t pick just one.

One Response to “Unseasonable”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Those are GREAT pictures! Not everyone has seen identical twins. 🙂 I have a parking phobia especially about places like Seattle. I don’t understand the parking situation so I often overpay to make sure I’m “legal.” Of course, John and I usually take the light rail or Sounder to go into the Big City, thus avoiding parking entirely.