
I take a lot of sunset photooos from this beach. It faces northwest so in the summer, we see the sun set. This photooo is a sunRISE photo. It is from yesterday morning and this freighter was headed upbound into Lake Superior as the sun came above the horizon behind it.

We are heading south to the Planet Ann Arbor in the morning and even though this freighter is heading in the opposite direction, I like to think of us heading off in sunshine.

I spent yesterday and today soft-closing the moominkitchen. All food is leaving in the morning and the refrigerator has been totally cleaned. I even removed some little buggies that somehow made their way in there during a hatch. Soft-closing means we aren’t shutting off the water or utilities and stuff. The GG will be back to do that.

I got off easy this year. A beach urchin was up for the last week or so and she is an uber-super cleaner. She cleaned the bathroom within an inch of its life before she left. I did clean the toilet bowl today but that’s because it gets stained via our well water. There’s only one kind of toilet bowl cleaner that gets rid of those stains and I used that today. An easy job in any case. My uber-cleaner also swept and vacuumed the whole place and organized some detritus from the upstairs that needs to go away. Like we do NOT need a printer here. I only rarely use the one on The Planet Ann Arbor.

So yesterday and today, I packed all the non-perishables. I threw out some expired things. Like mayo with a 2023 date? In my defense, I did not buy that. It came in from the Lyme Lounge. After some discussion and a mini-argument with a different beach urchin (because I got on the defensive before I figgered out where it had probably come from), we decided that the reason the GG is not dead from eating it is because it’s Kraft and probably has about a billion preservatives in it. I jettisoned it ANYWAY. I am not a huge mayo fan and tend to buy it in the smallest quantities possible. A little goes a long way for me although I occasionally need some for something. Like classic potato salad for example.

I have about two bags of perishables to fill (freezer and fridge) and probably a couple more of random stuff. I kinda hate mucking around with this stuff. I am in a bit of envy that when my parents decided to move into “town” from the moomincabin, they could take as many trips as they wanted to, even leaving a few things out here for a while if they wanted to come out for dinner with Radical Betty or whatever. It was about a 15 mile trip for them whereas mine is 350. But I knew by the time I was about 10 that I wanted to live on The Planet Ann Arbor and that is where I live, therefore I cannot complain.

One Response to “Sunrise”

  1. Margaret Says:

    The only thing that will remove my toilet rings is one of those pumice scrubbers and even then it takes some work. Then the toilet looks so clean—until a few weeks later. Argggh. I need to clean my fridge; the shelves are looking a little dirty.