“Once you are born from a mama, you are stuck to her”

That’s what one of my daughters said once. The other one would often say things like, “I’m going to find a*nother* mother.” You might be able to guess which one said which.

Whatever they said as young children, I seem to be stuck to them. I am happy about that. I know that there are adult children who have distanced themselves from their parents. That hasn’t happened to me, thank whatever god-like entities might actually be watching over me. I don’t think it’s because I’m some super mom. In fact I have made umpteen bazillion parenting mistakes. The Reading Chair and Dark Walk and Indian In The Cupboard On The Beach were not mistakes but we’ll go there some other day.

I don’t really want to talk about how good or bad a parent I was/am. It’s about the fact that I AM a MOM. I am many other things, used-to-be musician, on-again-off-again fiber artist, systems analyst, etc. Whatever else I am, I am still a mom.

Today was one of a series of travel days for my children. I mean that one of them left today to drive from the moomincabin to the Planet Ann Arbor. I don’t actively worry about my children when they are traveling and they are GOOD about texting when they are in a safe place (for texting) like a rest area or gas station or whatever. Or HOME! But I am always a wee bit on edge when they are on the road or flying or whatever. And I am always glad to get that 🏡. That simple text is all I need and when I got it today, I relaxed.

The pic is older than dirt. I was in my later 30s (and I’m looking like my dad in this particular photo). Those children have long been independent adults. We look loverly together there on that bench in front of the McNott cabin but that doesn’t mean that an hour later, after we returned to the moomincabin, one of us (maybe me) didn’t have a tantrum or whatever. I’m not saying anyone *had* a tantrum, just that it could well have happened and I just don’t remember 🤣

One Response to ““Once you are born from a mama, you are stuck to her””

  1. Margaret Says:

    That’s a lovely photo. Once we’re a mom, we’re always a mom. I tend to mother other people besides my own children, like younger colleagues. In fact one of them calls me Mama Margaret. I have many not-so-proud parental moments but the majority of the time I was about a B or B+ mom. In my case, the stuck to mom would have been my older daughter and the another mother the younger although they switched roles as teenagers.