Pine sunset

Can I allow myself to be cautiously optimistic? About the upcoming election, that is? I didn’t know much about Tim Walz at all but what little I’ve seen about him since the pick, I like. I love love love our own governor Big Gretch but my eyes were actually on Mark Kelly. I don’t think a two-woman ticket would fly in any way shape or form although I think women are just as capable of running countries as men are. I hope against hope our country is ready for a female president, not to mention a woman of color. I am certainly ready for any color besides orange. But the Great Lake State needs Gretchen until her term ends. After that, if she wants to run for president, I am all for it.

From what sound bites I’ve heard about Walz, I don’t quiiite understand why a person who owns gun(s) can be labeled a communist or socialist or or even far left radical. I mean, since Trump hi-jacked the GOP (and YES MAGA, he DID hi-jack it, don’t argue with me), *I* have been called many of those labels and *technically* *I* am a gun owner albeit I have inherited those guns and have never shot one in my life. And I don’t intend to unless big bugs from outer space invade the earth. On the other hand, does anyone think that “communists” don’t use guns? Kim Jong Un, anyone? Is he really a communist or just a regular old dictator? I don’t really know where I’m going with this but if we are going to use labels to put people into boxes, we need to define those labels.

A fun conversation with various people interrupted this and I have totally lost my train of thought. There are all kinds of exotic sunset pictures and I have taken a few of them myself. This is a bit of a different kind of sunset pic but I think it qualifies. I took a few similar ones but I liked this one the best partly because the Old Cabin is in the background.

Love y’all, g’night, KW.

2 Responses to “Pine sunset”

  1. Pam J. Says:

    That’s the sun shining on those trees?! Really? Just wow. Ain’t the sun amazing?
    I’m excited about Walz too but still very cautious about getting rid of TFG — the former guy. I predict by the end of the week you’ll have heard even more bashing of Walz and committed trumpers will dig in their heels even more. I know pundits talk about swing voters but it’s very hard for me to believe there are many people who voted for TFG in 2020 who will now vote for Harris-Walz. I’m hoping a lot of new or never-voted-before-or rarely-vote folks get out to the polls in those handful of states that matter, including yours. That’s the real problem in this country — the electoral college. Maybe it served a purpose 200 years ago (but I’ll have to find out exactly why) but it sure makes a mess of our elections now.

  2. Margaret Says:

    I thought the tree was on fire at first! The GOP is no longer what it was when I used to vote for some Republicans here in Washington. That would NEVER happen now. I’m more hopeful but still not optimistic. (mainly due to the electoral college)