Three Day Blow?

This photo is from last night. It looks like a storm is coming through but it was a plassover if anything happened all. I was down there pulling the umbrellas out and stashing them behind the bench since the wind had increased.

I am hoping we are at the end of a Three Day Blow but not sure. Three Day Blows are typical here on the southern shores of Gitchee Gumee. This is the third day and I am kinda hoping to wake up to a bit quieter day tomorrow. This was also the coldest day of the blow but we are supposed to warm up into the 70s tomorrow.

I have not paid much attention to the Republication convention today. Thankfully most of the NPR talk shows were focused on other things, in one case whales! Now though, coverage is starting for the evening. Unity is a theme? Unity for who? Those who want *everyone* in our country to come together and sing peace songs? Or only those who support Donald Trump and his stoopid Word Salad? Once again, the Republican party is NOT the same animal as the party my parents voted for when I was a kid. It has shifted so far to the right (and to craziness) that my parents wouldn’t recognize it. And in fact my moom at least did NOT recognize it in her later years and became an avid Obama supporter.

I am rambling. We are spoiled by yet another beautiful sunset tonight but I am not gonna try to get a pic. Laundry in the morning and a mini-grock run to Pat’s down on Easterday and Ashmun, which used to be the A&P when I was a kid. Maybe they’ll have utility beer there (Bell’s Two-hearted). Meijer has been out of it for a while except for bottles and I do not wanna mess with bottles up here in the yooperland. And so good night.

2 Responses to “Three Day Blow?”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I came back from camping and would enjoy a rain storm! Everything is so dried out. I can’t even talk about the GOP; their positions and the support for them makes me lose my mind.

  2. Pam J. Says:

    “Warm up into the 70s.” I’m trying to not be jealous. Failing! But I am relieved that we apparently won’t get into the 90s today. Or the 100s, which we got close to a few days ago. Day 5 for me of no politics. I can’t tell if it’s helping my mood or not. I can’t avoid headlines yet. But I’m aware that there are people on the planet who go without national and international news on a daily basis so I know it’s possible. I’m reading a book that’s almost as irritating at the news. Educated by Tara Westover. Hugely popular a few years ago and my husband read it then and liked it. I assumed I would. Unfortunately my skepticism gene kicked into full gear and I’m beginning to doubt the truth of the author. It’s a memoir so “truth” doesn’t really apply I guess. A person’s personal view is their truth, as they see it. I suspect that I’m bringing my trump anger to everything I use to distract me from him. Sigh.