Three subjects, one chosen

I kinda wanted to blahg about Big Abe and then the whole Trump shooting came up, which I knew I couldn’t make enough sense of to blahg about. In the end, a third choice came up and I went with that.

Gladys Kravitz that I am, I sorta keep track of who drives up and down the two-track road behind the moomincabin. The Grinchie drives in and out multiple times per day. The Red Truck drives back and forth multiple times per day. I don’t think it is road worthy anywhere except the two-track but I could well be wrong. And there are other vee-hickles of various description. One of them this summer has been a beautiful Blue Truck.

I was surprised when the Blue Truck pulled into the moomincabin/Old Cabin parking lot tonight. But I knew it was a friend or relative so we went out and sure enough it WAS, and so we helped them park. Two other vee-hickles also parked in our “lot”, including Cap’n*queen*Leila’s. C*Q*L is DRIVING and she wasn’t even involved in the whole GG’s Driving School for Children in The Indefatigable (because she wasn’t born yet).

The occasion? One of the family triplets (my first cousins twice removed aka my cousin’s grandchildren) was getting engaged tonight in a surprise event on the beach. I mean they had a private engagement after which umpteen bazillion family members jumped out of the woods (and some of them into the water) to celebrate. The surprise element is why people were parking in our lot.

We were not formally invited to this event (which was A-okay) but since we live right next door, we ended up down on the beach to give congratulations to the newly engaged couple and hugs to various cousins.

Because the GG had his “Let’s Go Brandon” t-shirt on, I felt compelled to repeatedly make disclaimers that we live in a politically divided house and I do not support MAGA. Maybe my tie-dyed t-shirt already made that statement but you never know. It isn’t that I care what other people’s positions are, just that I in NO WAY want to be construed as pro-Trump/MAGA and I feel the need to separate myself from anyone sporting pro-Trump/MAGA crapola, even though I love the person and have lived with them for umpteen bazillion years. That said, I do NOT support violence against any political candidate, including Trump.

2 Responses to “Three subjects, one chosen”

  1. Pam J. Says:

    I’m sick about the whole thing. Worried about why the SS let that shooter get so close. Worried that Biden now be a target. This will of course ensure Trump gets elected. In my wildest fantasies I think that trump has a golden opportunity to get this country away from assault rifles. Just think how powerful he could be on that score. He would alienate many gun owners (my husband being one of them but he’s definitely against assault rifles being available to the general public, not to mention hating trump as much as I do) but he would pick up support from any neutral voters who hate all this gun violence. A friend drove through Butler, PA on Friday and texted me about all the many, many trump pop-up displays selling merchandise. Little did she know what would happen on that exact spot just 24 hours later.

  2. Margaret Says:

    The shooting and the whole political climate are so disheartening. Although many in MAGA world spout off about armed rebellion and violence against the other side (look at the Paul Pelosi reaction), I refuse to lower myself to their level. Political violence makes my stomach turn. Or any violence really.