Suzy Homemaker

This pic is not from today and I sure wish I could find the one of The Commander out there on the eaves brushing pine needles off but I can’t so you get this one instead.

Suzy Homemaker, aka the GG WASHED THE MOOMINCABIN WINDOWS today. Boy oh boy did they need it. He even did the upstairs windows although, as I said, he did not go out on the eaves at least as far as I know.

I was in the moomincabin chitchen waiting for our leftover dinner to finish heating up when I heard Joe talking on the radio. I knew he was doing a press conference tonight but I hadn’t realized it had already started. We had just started the Derry Girls series last night and I knew the GG wanted to watch the second episode during dinner. Well. Wait. I wanted to hear Joe for myself. So I asked that we wait to start the episode so I could listen to Joe.

I am pro Joe but admit I wanted to hear him for myself. In our politically divided house, I am thankful I wasn’t given any flack about that. So many women throughout the world are not allowed to have their own opinions. I am VERY fortunate that I am able to think for myself, educate myself, work, vote, and own my own goddamn car, etc. I want that for every woman in the world and don’t want to lose my own rights and privileges.

Joe finished and we finished eating and we were just settling in to watch Derry Girls when I spied our neighbor-cousins coming across the way. So much for Derry Girls for tonight and that was okay.

I dunno what the pundits (and crackheads) have said about the press conference but my own opinion is that Joe did just fine tonight. He seemed to be on point to me. I liked his answer to the question about why he didn’t act as a conduit to a younger generation. I think all of us (including Joe) agree that our presidency needs to be handed off to the younger generations. Just that this is not the moment to do that, with an extremely dangerous authoritarian threat to our democratic country.

One Response to “Suzy Homemaker”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I enjoyed what I watched of the Derry Girls although I don’t think I finished the whole series for some reason. Got distracted?