
orangebridgeYes, it is orange. The newly refurbished bridge across the Huron River at Delhi, that is. Actually, I think I read in the local newspaper that it was a little more orange than the folks who specified the color expected it would be. Historic bridges has a page dedicated to the Delhi bridge that seems to tell its story pretty well if you’re interested. I dunno, I like the color! I don’t think it’s that much different than the old bridge (looking at the historic bridges website). I’m just glad that they didn’t decide to replace the old bridge with some boring modern thing. I am not crazy about the anachronistic stoplights. Seems a bit too Nanny State for me. It’s always been a one-lane bridge. Maybe the road surface looks too much like a highway now. I dunno. They don’t have stoplights at the relatively recently restored Foster Bridge a few miles downriver. That bridge is green btw.

And so, it was a very unseasonably cold weekend here on the Planet Ann Arbor. The GG blames it all on sunspot cycles and epicycles. He says there are virtually NO sunspots right now and that we have been through a typical 11-year cycle but nobody knows what the sunspot epicycles are. So maybe we are in for another ice age? I hope not too much. We went urban hiking down by Barton Dam today. I grabbed a camera on the way out. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the right camera. It definitely wasn’t my trusty old powershot because The Commander is holding my camera hostage up on Fin Family Moominbeach. I’ve been snagging the GG’s camera, a slightly older version of my Powershot. This time, I accidentally snagged Mouse’s camera, probably even a bit older version of my Powershot than the GG’s. And that camera was giving me a battery warning. So much for photography today. Oh, I had my iPhone. It is what it is but… Anyway, I won’t bore you with a bunch of photooos of vegetation that I can’t identify. (I think I am outgrowing my trusty old Powershot. Maybe I’ll have to spec something else out and put it on my xmas list. Hmmm…)

P.S. That’s our cute little Ninja vee-hickle off in the distance across the bridge.

One Response to “Orange”

  1. Margaret Says:

    The light matches the bridge–which is very pretty!!