Is there a plowing service?

Yes there is.

I think this pic was taken when UKW flew out from the PacNW to say goodbye to my mom. My mom was her aunt by marriage and one of her mother’s (Radical Betty) best friends. Mom and Betty met in college (Michigan State). Mom had a CAR and offered to take Betty (and Betty’s brother *Jack*) over to visit their first niece, who had just been born in Ann Arbor where my uncle was a medical resident.

*Jack* became my dad.

Fast forward over many years of cousins wandering around on the beach and stuff, my mom was dying and UKW flew out to say goodbye and support me. My only sibling was dead as was my dad. The GG (my husband) was EXTREMELY supportive with all of this but it was still great to have beloved cousins around too. Jane and Grinch helped immensely in person and I felt support from all of my other cousins.

On this morning, UKW asked if we needed to shovel. We couldda shoveled that snow but The Commander had a snow service and I was happy to respond that NO we did not need to shovel. This pic was taken before Mr. Golden Sun rose and we were heading down to the horsepittle to visit my mom. I walked down there most days when I was there alone but I was happy to say there was a plowing service that day.

Continuing through a birthday week, it is The Beautiful Gay’s birthday. She is the GG’s ID twin’s wife and we are pretty much kindred spirits. Love you Gay.

2 Responses to “Is there a plowing service?”

  1. Margaret Says:

    That’s a LOT of snow! You have such wonderful cousins. I am envious.

  2. jane Says:

    As I recall, when the plowing service showed up there was a ‘call to action’ to get various cars moved out of the driveway. Or I may not be remembering correctly, but it hardly matters.