Space lasers and other MAGA crapola

This was a fun and unexpected xmas gift. It is a refrigimatator magnet set and I need to de-clutter the refrigimatator doors before I can really set it up. There is stuff on those doors from forever ago. A yellowed comic strip of Calvin throwing a temper tantrum because his mom doesn’t have any papier mache so he can make a ROAD RUNNER for a school prodject due the NEXT MORNING. Bring back any memories, parents of adult children? (or any children)

Note that this set is “from the ‘minds’ behind the Secret Jewish Space Laser Corps”. I was facetiming with MMCB this morning. They are both Jewish women that I have been meeting for coffee FOREVER. This little coffee klatch began in a different place with a larger and quite diverse group of middle school moms. As life went on and a lot of those moms became gainfully employed, it has dwindled to the three of us. And yeah, I AM gainfully employed but my job has always been flexible enough to allow me to meet with people for coffee.

Anyway, I told MMCB about this cute little set and they laughed and at some point said, yeah they were working hard on making space lasers. I do not know where nutcases like @mtegreenee come up with this kind of crapola but Ima gonna have fun with this. There’s also a tin foil hat “kit”. Now I can match The Pensioner, who already has one.

I am now on track to finish my 2023 goodreads challenge. I am in my 98th of 100 books. I think I can do this. When I have finished it I’m going to read another xmas gift, “Severance”. This is not the TV series. It is a book about a pandemic and it was written in 2018 so pre-covid. I was avoiding pandemic books for a while there.

I also think I am ready for books about pandemics now. Actually I have watched the “Station Eleven” series (there’s only one season). That (fictional) pandemic was so scary that back in 2020, the AUTHOR cautioned people it might not be a good book to read at that time. The series diverges quite a bit from the book but the general story arc is largely intact and they (thankfully!) kept the Michigan parts IN Michigan. And it is GOOD!

BTW: one of my coffee friends has covid FOR THE SECOND TIME. She is okay but… Still… She is not sure where she got it but there are a couple of possibilities. Ugh ugh ugh. Mask up…

One Response to “Space lasers and other MAGA crapola”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I LOVED the book “Station Eleven” and should watch the series. I wonder if I have the streaming service it’s on–always an issue with me. I also want to see “Lessons in Chemistry,” another favorite book. I don’t know if she’s your style but I enjoyed “Lucy by the Sea” by Elizabeth Strout. I like her writing style and ruminations on the early pandemic world. I’ve seen those kits before and laughed but also wanted to cry. (because so many believe such outlandish things!)