Greeeeeen at the grokkery store

Good times! I am now on a first name basis with the store manager. Yer all thinkin’ big frickin’ deal, roight? 🤣🤣🤣 We’ll just call him Q.

He did not take this fugly. Its purpose was to document my outfit in which my emerald green tights match my emerald green turtleneck. Emerald green tights are pretty easy to get hold of. Emerald green turtlenecks are not. So when I randomly ran across an emerald green turtleneck during my search for “formal” wedding clothes, I snagged it. I already owned emerald green tights. Part of my mask is visible. My photographer was also masked. I cropped out the top of my head because general fugliness. Why I didn’t crop my whole head out I dunno because my hair is a major part of that fugliness. Covid hair AGAIN. Need a bob.

Not a bad Sunday-before-Thanksgiving. I didn’t do a whole lot of chores today but things are actually looking decent around here for once. Not even too cluttered. Except for the Landfill Dungeon. I forced myself not to think about that today. So a bit of light vacuuming and mopping, cleaning counters and bathroom fixtures.

Except for dinner (eggplant parm), I didn’t do any cooking today. I am not going to start my holiday pre-cooking until Wednesday. I’m taking that day off work and plan to spend the whole day prepping and pre-cooking TDay dinner. I have someone working on obtaining mimosas/samosas and a light dessert. And if I remember accurately, I MAY have ordered a brie en croute. We’ll see if it comes. It’ll be frozen so if we don’t need it Thursday it can just go in the freezer.

ALERT ALERT ALERT! What the f*ck is that BEEEEEPING noise?

Oh, okay it’s just Gertrude notifying me that her top oven is at the specified temperature. Whew! Also, why did I not KNOW what that beeeeeeping noise was? 🐽

One Response to “Greeeeeen at the grokkery store”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I don’t intend to go anywhere near the grocery store this week although I may do pick up. I’m starting to run out of a few things.